Any way to bypass the decimal limit?

so i’ve made code for converting scientific e notation numbers to numbers, however i noticed a problem. you can only reach the quintillions and then it’ll just keep resetting back to one quintillion once you reach over 100 quintillion. i believe this is due to the decimal limit and i was wondering if you could bypass it.

cheers, 31oq.

You could try using a BigInt module

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thanks, you didnt have to let me go thru the torture of making a function that would add numbers using strings

oof, this only gets to vigintillion. still good though!

There’s lots of other big int modules out there if you go searching maybe theres one that can go even higher.

alright, thanks for the help thirtychrsssssss

could do something along the lines of doubling up a number value. Something like Minecraft’s chunk system so like

local Chunk = 100 -- have the larger numbers be abbreviated by a factor of 100 
local Num = 30 -- so like the number suffix
Number = Chunk*10+Num -- I don't know how you would integrate this specifically but could be useful