Any way to check how many bullets remain on ROBLOX's endorsed weapons?

Basically I want to check how many bullets remain on ROBLOX’s endorsed weapons but I can’t seem to find ways how. I tried looking through the WeaponsSystem folder and to no avail.

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It’s inside the BaseWeapon object in ModuleScript BaseWeapon.

Tool → WeaponSystems → Libraries → BaseWeapon

So to scrape it out you’d have to edit the scripting itself. It uses the metadata value ammoInWeaponValue. If you’re not familiar with OOP, it won’t be easy for you to scrape this out unfortunately, but do learn OOP first if you haven’t already. Link below.

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Thank you! I managed to learn that the Weapons have a value inside them called “CurrentAmmo” that I can use to track current ammo count!

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