Anyone know an easy way I can make a hole in the wall, or floor?

Hey there, I was just wondering if anyone knew a way I could make a hole in floors/walls easier than physically placing different parts everywhere. I aim to make it look realistic.

I also know some blender in case that changes anything

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Unions are one solution. Be sure to change the collision fidelity in case the collision is not how you want it to be; I often use Precise Convex Decomposition.

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If you use the SmoothPlastic Material for multiple Part walls it won’t make a visual difference, but with most other Materials the edges won’t match.
Normally it’s better to just use Parts, but if you want to use MeshParts I’d suggest making a Part or Union first to get the exact sizing/scaling exactly what you want, then select all the items that make up your wall or model and export them to your computer files. Then open Blender and import that model so you can clean it up and reduce all the tris as much as possible.
As @MCWither_Storm mentioned, complex MeshParts or MeshParts with concave sections (or holes) may not have the same physical shape as their visual rendering. PreciseConvexDecomposition usually helps out.


Easiest way? UnionOperations.

I genuinely hate them, however. I think their only purpose should be for real time object slicing. But that’s my opinion.

UnionOperations suck with instancing, meaning if you find yourself copying and pasting a union to have another elsewhere in your experience, you should opt to making it in Blender instead and reuse the mesh.

A lot has been done for UnionOperations in the past few years so I’m unsure if they still create unnecessary triangles but that’s another possibility. I’m just not sure of its validity anymore.


Unions absolutely create more tris than needed. If you export them to blender you can see the extra vertices added and then remove them to create a better Mesh.


Yup. Turns out UnionOperations are still performant-ugly.


Using the negate and union toolset Studio provides, I created and exported this into Blender. The left side, circled in red, has an extra triangle compared to the right.

If a very simple union has one extra triangle, then I don’t want to imagine how many are in complex unions. One triangle won’t kill your experience’s performance but imagine the low end devices impractically calculating thousands of unnecessary triangles and having to deal with the framerate lag that comes from it.

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You don’t need unions or mesh parts. You only need two parts:

The first part (wall) has a transparency of about 0.011, and the glass part in the center is just your typical glass part (preferably with a transparency of 0.999).

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This is also a valid solution, but only for if the hole is only supposed to be visual and not something you can walk through as obviously there is no actual hole here, there only appears to be a hole there due to how glass renders.

That is correct. However, this would probably be the most performant solution.

It also seems to work at all graphics quality levels.

Assuming Roblox doesn’t fix this transparency issue with glass.
Which probably won’t happen any time soon knowing Roblox.

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