Anyone know how to get the DynamicImage class working?

I’ve set my studio channel to zIntegration and zCanary and made sure to set the FFlag DynamicImageEnabled to true, but whenever I try to mess around with them it seems like studio wants to crash on me. Does anyone know how to actually use these things without that happening?


Edit: Well, they are on beta now.

Old post

I know this was from 2 and a half months ago, but if you don’t know yet, DynamicImage was renamed to EditableImage and the flag is now called EditableImageEnabled.

This is all you need:

By the way, I heard that if you didn’t parent the DynamicImage properly then it will crash studio. I think they fixed that already but I haven’t tried it yet.

The EditableImage should be parented to an ImageLabel for it to work.


I did figure it out, but thank you for providing the answer since I forgot about it and I’d rather the person googling how to do what I was doing be able to figure it out without going through a lot of trouble like I did

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