Anyone knows why might this happen?

Isnt that what the function triggered by that event do

CharacterAppearanceLoaded only fires once so if you reset your character it won’t fire.
The original problem still presists with using CharacterAppearanceLoaded.
Why don’t you use the repeat code block to check if the character is done loading?

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image well it does print and shouldnt the character technically be an instance already if all the stuff inside it have loaded?

I could just use the repeat loop but finding out the cause for things is what i wanna do to learn from what ive encountered

I am not a Roblox developer, I don’t know why or how the roblox character is being instances behind the scenes. I can only tell what I observe from the results of the code, which is that CharacterAppearanceLoaded/HasAppearanceLoaded() is not synonymous with the character being done with instancing.

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I see, I’ll just accept your answer bout the loop unless anyone who does know what’s going provides a better answer, thank you, good day :slight_smile:

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