API Documentation Endpoints Returning 404 Errors

The Roblox API’s i.e games.roblox.com, avatar.roblox.com, etc are all returning 404, same with their documentation URL’s that were working a few days ago.




Already reported:

The documentation has moved here: https://create.roblox.com/docs/cloud/legacy

The new pages list all API documentation that was previously available via direct docs URLs on the respective API sites, to the best of our knowledge. Please let us know if anything is missing that was available before.

You can find all these APIs in the left navigation. It also calls out on the overview page certain APIs that you can hit with legacy OAuth 2.0 / API key scopes instead of with a cookie.

:warning: Please rely on this new documentation page instead of the old documentation URLs since we cannot offer guarantees that the old URLs will stay available, including any variation (like the double slash workaround), for involved technical reasons.

:mega: While we do our best to alert you of breaking changes, please note that these legacy APIs may change without notice and break your application and do not have the stability guarantees of the newer Open Cloud APIs.

We especially discourage using the endpoints that only take cookie authentication as much as feasible for your use case, as cookies do not offer fine-grained authorization via scopes.

:bulb: We are looking into improvements to the new documentation pages, like having a way to download the openAPI JSON for each surface, and we are investigating what it would take to support “try out”-esque features on this page.

You can let us know here or by filing a new bug report or feature request if you have any feedback, questions or concerns. We’ll do our best to take that into account for any changes we plan to the documentation.