APM audio "8 Bit Kicks (a)" was recently blocked for copyright reasons

Unsure if “Catalog Assets” means just Roblox avatar assets or ANY Roblox catalog asset - sorry if this is the wrong category.

Reproduction Steps
Go to the following page: 8 Bit Kicks (a) - Roblox
Or attempt to use assetID 1838054421 in-game

Expected Behavior
I can use the track in-game and hear it. It is not blocked due to copyright reasons because it is licensed by Roblox.

Actual Behavior
The track is blocked due to copyright reasons. I cannot use the track anymore. I have been using it for years. Unsure if this is intentional or not.

Issue Area: Catalog Assets
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-05-06 00:05:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-05-06 00:05:00 (-07:00)


A lot of APM and Monstercat licensed audio on ROBLOX have been blocked left and right, not sure if this is a contractual issue or just the filter not configured to not detect these audios as being able to be blocked??


Was this somewhat recent + do you have links to other audios that were blocked?

I just noticed the one in the OP today. Been using it for years.

Audio part of the Monstercat deal is no longer playable: Decoy World - Bug Reports / Engine Bugs - DevForum | Roblox

Check that thread


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Thank you! As a heads up, this is not unique to just this audio. There are a ton of Roblox-uploaded licensed audios which are now mistakenly blocked.


In my experience, most of the audio uploaded by Roblox that are over 30 seconds are blocked and the issue hasn’t been resolved until now.

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This, and hundreds of other APM tracks, are still improperly blocked as of July 2023.


I remember commenting on a simillar thread about this issue. I theorized that potentially the licences are expiring and in the process of being negotiated again. Simillar to how Rockstar have to delete songs from older GTA titles still being sold due to expiring music licences.

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Hi @cloakedyoshi

Thanks again for bringing this issue to our attention. The track has been restored and should be usable in-game as expected. Please feel free to let us know if you’re still running into any issues!


Thank you.

As a heads up, there are still a large amount of APM tracks which are still improperly blocked:


We will take a look!

Thank you!


This track should be restored now, but for others we don’t have an immediate solution other than manually going through a list!

Therefore, it would be more efficient for us internally, if you could file a new bug report with the other tracks that you claimed they are improperly blocked!

Thank you!


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