Apparently UnitedKingdom is not a valid member when it is

then why it said error at line 17 if i only have 11 lines

Because I have stuff above it

one sec i will just send you my roblox model instead

I just found that when I added another part into the workspace anchored it and played the game it disappeared

This happened to me before where studio couldn’t find a part even when it existed given the correct path, you should try putting the part in a different location and reference it from there and see if it still gives an error or not

is your part in the sky where it could just fell down into the void?

I have already tried that earlier

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It is anchored and the baseplate has got cancollide on even though its transparent.

Did it still give an error? Try referencing it from the server

Helping.rbxm (3.9 KB)

It didnt do anything, although it said I got a roblox internal error so im going to restart studio

This is most likely on Roblox’s end you should try reinstalling roblox or restarting your pc if the problem persists

I think it was something to do with the place i was trying it in so I made a new baseplate and it worked.

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