I created a new place to test ApplyImpulseAtPosition, and it does nothing to the part.
local part = workspace.ImpulseTesting
part:ApplyImpulseAtPosition(Vector3.new(0, 100, 0), part.Position)
Part properties:
I created a new place to test ApplyImpulseAtPosition, and it does nothing to the part.
local part = workspace.ImpulseTesting
part:ApplyImpulseAtPosition(Vector3.new(0, 100, 0), part.Position)
Part properties:
I know about apply impulse, I wasn’t clear with my use case here. I made an ocean system that I now want to implement boats with. Apply Impulse At Position seems to be the only way to create a swaying motion without doing the math myself, but it didn’t work when I tested it.
Is the part anchored? If not, can you put it on the ground so the force of gravity doesn’t cancel out the force you applied within your script?
Check out the documentation page on ApplyImpulse.
It depends, are you using a server script to do this or a LocalScript? If it’s a server script, and you are not manually setting the network owner of the part through SetNetworkOwner, then it should work. If it’s a LocalScript, the client must have network ownership of the part.
It seems that you are not applying enough force though, as I applied the same force you’re applying here to the default Part size which is 4, 1, 2, and it barely got off the ground. Apply a stronger force.
I’ll try a stronger force, i’m also going to change the position to make use of the rotational offset as well, i’ll post my progress here.
It works, it seems it seems I wasn’t applying enough force, thanks!
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