Applying Edits At Script

When I’m applying edits at an script or when I attempt to publish my edits to my game or when the game auto saves I am receiving this error, does anyone know how to fix it because I keep getting data loss when I exit and re-open studio?


HTTP 500 is an error to do with the server, rather than your client. Try saving the game as a local file and restarting studio, or just trying again later.

I’ll do that now, thank you. Is it also possible to recover the loss data?

There shouldn’t be any lost data if you go File > Save to File, and then after restarting load it by going File > Open from File… and selecting the file you just saved

Also is roblox studio down or because nothing works?

I’m not sure, it could be an issue with your network? Maybe try restarting your router, after that I don’t know what fixes there are.

Well my network is working as it should, it has to be studio because my friend said earlier that their studio wasn’t working either.

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My studio is working fine, sorry for not being able to help any further.

That could also mean your banned / warned I think

No the account isn’t banned nor warned as I checked. Also when I searched up the error it seems it has has happened before.

This seems to be a Roblox Studio error, this looks like something went wrong at the ROBLOX Servers, if you have lost any scripts then they will most likely pop up in the Script Recovery widget (which you can find in the view tab) if your place is published. :grin:

Well I lost a lot of my progress, things inside of workspace and edited scripts etc.

Have you checked your auto-recovery file folder (If it is setup properly)?
Mine is in This PC > Documents > ROBLOX > AutoSaves, but it might be different for you.

Auto saves wasn’t working, I really hate how Roblox Studio is just broken.