(Archived) Signal API - For all your event needs!

I didn’t use any particular data structure in my updated signal class because it uses bindableEvents. But in the miniscule event that I would use a signal class for a monster project, I would reference this script: ReplicaService/MadworkScriptSignal.lua at master · MadStudioRoblox/ReplicaService · GitHub

You can try to pass Lucas’ signal library into this function (guaranteed to fail btw)

local function SignalBreaker(new_signal) --> is_all_good
    local signal = new_signal()
    local confirm = {}
    for i = 1, 10 do
            if check ~= 1 then return end
            confirm[i] = true
    local red_flag = false
    local bamboozle
    bamboozle = signal:Connect(function() -- bamboozler
        local special_signal
        for i = 1, 10 do
            if i == 5 then
                special_signal = signal:Connect(function()
                    red_flag = true
                signal:Connect(function() end)
    for i = 11, 100 do
            if check ~= 1 then return end
            confirm[i] = true
    if red_flag == true then
        return false
    for i = 1, 100 do
        if confirm[i] ~= true then
            return false
    return true

Simply put, it breaks if you violate pairs() usage by creating new index during iteration, a single-thread concurrency issue occurs.

A double-ended linked queue fixes this ^


Then should I create a deepcopy of all connected singlas and illerate through that instead? Didn’t think that would’ve been a problem with coroutines.

That isn’t useful but ok.

Adding on to @Ukendio point on why Bindables are Better:

I have been using 1 pair of Remotes (one RemoteEvent and one RemoteFunction) for a long time now but I switched to use 1 RemoteEvent for each thing or at least each module that needs it because it’s a lot easier to understand and maintain.

Similar to BindableEvent they are a lot easier to understand and maintain because they have to actually exist and you can use things like WaitForChild to make sure that it has actually been created before using it.

There are times when FastSpawn and Signal modules are useful, but usually not for Cross Script Communication.

BindableEvents do have some downsides like making a deep copy of your Tables which means they aren’t mutable when passed through but that’s not difficult to circumvent and your code shouldn’t rely on that behavior…

As for this

I’m asking because you made a copy of those existing and well known modules, not that I have any problems with innovation nor the functionality that the module offers but I’m questioning why you are reinventing the wheel.

You should definitely take Ukendio advice they are very knowledgeable

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Got another reason to not use BindableEvents, at least not with BadgeService3.

I’m working on a update to fast signal. Might be released soon.

Thanks for pinging me! I’ll now provide constructive criticism on your event.

First off, I started off by testing the code you have on your GitHub. I was unable to get it to work the first time due to an oversight on line 77

table.insert(self, #self + 1, connection)

where it should be (at least I’m assuming);

table.insert(self._connections, #self._connections + 1, connection)

After adding this fix I got your module to work for me. It looks like it’s repro’d in your Roblox model as well. Additionally, I attempted to use the Destroy method and was met with a nil value error on line 28:


Line 29 makes the index’s value nil and I think that should be enough to satisfy what you wanna achieve out of a dispose method. Also the self = nil line doesn’t do anything because self is just a local reference to the table itself within the method’s scope, but the diligence is appreciated :smiley:

At this point I’ve gotten your module to work, lets see what my benchmarks are here (benchmark script at the bottom). I noticed you guys in this thread are running benchmarks on how fast ::Fire takes to execute; I’ll be benchmarking the time inbetween Fire and the callback’s entry point.

 21:10:28.628  bindable event - 9.22 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:10:45.311  signal module - 8.82 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:11:01.993  bindable event - 10.79 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:11:18.675  signal module - 9.32 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:11:35.358  bindable event - 9.25 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:11:52.040  signal module - 13.11 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:12:08.723  bindable event - 9.32 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:12:25.406  signal module - 8.60 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:12:42.089  bindable event - 9.26 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:12:58.771  signal module - 8.21 microseconds  -  Edit

It seems like at best I save a little more than a microsecond, and at worst it costs a little under 3 more microseconds. I wanted to see if I could make this any faster, so I started poking at the Fire method and changed a few things

  1. I replaced the pairs iterator with a numerical loop. This is known to be faster than both pairs and ipairs, and even next
  2. I removed the if statement, since (correct me if I’m wrong) it seems like the statement will always be true
function Signal:Fire(...)
	for index = 1, #self._connections do
		local thread = coroutine.create(self._connections[index].Function)
		coroutine.resume(thread, ...)

So here we have the new fire method, lets check the benchmarks

  21:25:32.109  bindable event - 9.02 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:25:48.789  signal module - 7.60 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:26:05.490  bindable event - 9.41 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:26:22.173  signal module - 8.00 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:26:38.857  bindable event - 9.34 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:26:55.537  signal module - 8.19 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:27:12.221  bindable event - 9.69 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:27:28.904  signal module - 8.04 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:27:45.587  bindable event - 9.90 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:28:02.269  signal module - 8.01 microseconds  -  Edit

Cool, it seems we’re 5 for 5 here and shaving off more than a microsecond each time. I wanted to see if I could improve it further so I poked at the ::Connect method as well, and instead of creating a table for each connection and storing it in _connections I just have it insert the function itself directly into self, a-la:

table.insert(self, #self + 1, givenFunction)

This required me to change the for loop & coroutine creation line ins ::Fire to

for index = 1, #self do
	local thread = coroutine.create(self[index])

This cuts down on the amount of indexing we do. Lets see where that gets us

  21:42:41.350  bindable event - 9.52 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:42:58.033  signal module - 7.88 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:43:14.716  bindable event - 9.59 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:43:31.400  signal module - 7.86 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:43:48.081  bindable event - 9.22 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:44:04.763  signal module - 7.60 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:44:21.446  bindable event - 8.95 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:44:38.128  signal module - 7.92 microseconds  -  Edit

  21:44:54.812  bindable event - 9.55 microseconds  -  Edit
  21:45:11.494  signal module - 8.10 microseconds  -  Edit

yay! we’re hitting sub-8 microseconds more often than not now.

My only other criticism is to use runService.Heartbeat instead of .Stepped in your ::Wait method, as Heartbeat will have fired 3 times by the time Stepped fires once. And sorry if I come off as pedantic here, I really do want to help so I tried explaining as much as I could here. I think this is a neat idea and I hope you keep up the good work!

local Signal = require(workspace.Signal);

local tests = 1000;
local runserv = game:GetService('RunService');
local beat = runserv.Heartbeat;

local function TestA()
	local total = 0;
	local completed = 0;
	local signal = Instance.new('BindableEvent', workspace);
		total += (os.clock() - t);
		completed += 1;

	for i = 1, tests do
	until completed == tests;

	return total / tests;

local function TestB()
	local total = 0;
	local completed = 0;
	local signal = Signal.new();
		total += (os.clock() - t);
		completed += 1;

	for i = 1, tests do
	until completed == tests;

	return total / tests;

local i;
for i = 1, 5 do
	print( string.format('bindable event - %.2f microseconds', TestA() * 1000000) ); 
	print( string.format('signal module - %.2f microseconds', TestB() * 1000000) ); 

I’ll be applying these changes to the version I got here, thanks for the tips.

As for glitches I didn’t notice; I stayed with the same version I believe for BadgeService3; Anyhow thanks.

(bro i was watching you type for 1 hour :fearful:)


I had to be thorough! Best of luck to you!

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One thing, I think I might not be able to do :Disconnect() only saving the function instead of table inside the connections?

Well I guess I can keep the index and use that…

Correct me if I’m wrong but shouldnt something like this work?

function Signal:Connect(givenFunction)
	assert(typeof(givenFunction) == "function", "You need to give a function.")
	table.insert(self, #self + 1, givenFunction)

	return setmetatable({
		Disconnect = function()
			table.remove(self, table.find(self, givenFunction));
	}, __metatable = 'iz siganl?' });

Signal:Connect will return a table whose only method is Disconnect, like an RBXScriptSignal does, and it essentially noscopes givenFunction out of whichever index it’s stored in self as.

local signalMaster = Signal.new();
local signal1 = signalMaster:Connect(print);

signalMaster:Fire('hello world');
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It would work, the problem is that you’re creating a new function everytime for :Disconnect(), I’mma keep storing the function in a table I guess. It also does allow me to have a “Connected” property. I will add the other optimizations and some others and benchmark and see what I get.

It is worst for speed, but it’s better for performance.

I came up with this solution following the Event/Signal hierarchy. It throws another class into the mix but it prevents us from spamming new functions like you pointed out earlier

local RunService = game:GetService('RunService');

local Signal = { };
Signal.__index = Signal;

function Signal.Disconnect(self)
	table.remove(self._event, table.find(self._event, self._callback));

local Event = { };
Event.__index = Event;

function Event.Connect(self, callback)
	table.insert(self, #self + 1, callback);
	return setmetatable({ _event = self, _callback = callback }, Signal);

function Event.Fire(self, ...)
	for index = 1, #self do
		local thread = coroutine.create(self[index]);
		coroutine.resume(thread, ...);
	self._lastFire = os.clock();

function Event.Wait(self)
	local init = os.clock();
		local delta = os.clock() - self._lastFire;
		local beat = (os.clock() - init) + RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
	until delta < beat;
	return os.clock() - init;

function Event.new()
	return setmetatable({ _lastFire = 0; }, Event);


local event = Event.new();
local signal = event:Connect(print);


-- "amogus" is printed first
-- followed by "sus"

event:Fire('does not work');
-- is not ran

This still seems to still beat out BindableEvents each time in my benchmarks

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I’ve got a couple constructive feedback points with this module. Hopefully you find 'em useful. Firstly, I have a couple criticisms on the Wait implementation:

(1) My main gripe is how it is different from the typical pattern of signals on Roblox: It oughta return the values which were sent to Fire that caused the thread to resume. So, if I have a print(signal:Wait()), then do signal:Fire("Hello, world"), I should get a nice Hello, world. Most of the time, users won’t care about the total waited time (which, by the way, you could calculate not using os.clock but rather the deltaTime return value from Stepped, but I digress). At the end of the day, user code can calculate this.

(2) Second thing is using RunService.Stepped to do your waiting with a busy-loop. This is almost certainly not performant if you have a ton of threads waiting.

For Connect, I’m not keen on the returned connection object not providing a Disconnect function, a key deviation from most Signal pattern implementations. Overall, the connection object should really just use the same OOP pattern as the Signal class. Also, 77 might have a typo?

	table.insert(self, #self + 1, connection) -- did you mean self._connections?

And I guess finally, if you’re going to call it fast, you really should have some data to back that claim up! Your only evidence can’t be “BindableEvent slow therefore avoid for fastness”. You need to show your prospective users in what cases your module is faster and therefore desirable.

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table.insert automatically adds the value to the last if passed in as the second argument:

-- redundant
table.insert(self._connections, #self._connections + 1, connection 

-- Ok
table.insert(self._connections, connection)
  1. I replaced the pairs iterator with a numerical loop. This is known to be faster than both pairs and ipairs , and even next

No, numerical loops are only faster only if you don’t index the value. Therefore use ipairs as it much faster than a numerical loop at retrieving values.

What’s the point of micro-optimization when it won’t really prove any meaningful?

PS: @OP:

I also have some criticism for this module. What’s the point of having a wait function for an event when you’re just going to be polling unnecessarily:

-- highly inefficient

function Signal:Wait()
	local fired = false
	local connection = self:Connect(function()
		fired = true

	local startTime = os.clock()
	until fired or not connection.Connected
	return os.clock() - startTime

Setting self to nil won’t work as expected, even since it’s passed by reference.

function Signal:Destroy()
	for i, connection in ipairs(self._connections) do
		self._connections[i] = nil
	self = nil -- redundant

Lastly, you also claim that this module is “way faster and optimized”, which is definitely not true from the benchmarks many have concluded. What is your source for this?

I actually didn’t update the module yet, I was working on some other stuff recently, you can try out the edit from mew903 above, which I will probably turn into the newest version of the module.

Btw the .Stepped thing is weird, I don’t know what happened to me that day, I just kind of went with it thinking it was better because it’s supposed to run first? Idk.

I was attempting to fix the issues OP’s code, not completely rewrite it. I was aware of this and I’m sure OP is as well.

Weird, my benchmarks showed that the for loop was faster than ipairs when I tested the iterators in isolation- I figured I’d do my due diligence and try out each. Did you do a benchmark of your own? What specs are you running?

Overall your post comes off as condescending and somewhat tone-deaf. I understand you’re trying to give constructive feedback but it’s not coming off that way. Consider the following

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Yes, of course they’re slower in terms of getting the value since they only know the index, indexing is not fast. Ipairs does the same thing but is a bit more optimised. You probably didn’t index the value during the benchmark which lead to an inaccurate result.

My PC specs are decent.

So is this like RemoteEvents? Or events like


Events yeah. RemoteEvents are client-to-server and viceversa.

As I’m building a new thing right now that I had to use FastSignal on, I updated everything, be sure to test it and tell me if there’s any glitches.