Are there any differences between WeldConstraints and Weld?

What are the difference between Welds and WeldConstraints? Are there differences? What are pros and cons to this?


It seems that welds will break if you move the parts, and they must be touching.

On the other hand, weld constraints seem to prevent the parts from moving & do NOT require them touching. Constraints are very helpful in tools, and I personally choose them over welds.


only SurfaceWelds need to be touching, other weld types do not, but they still break when moved. These can be created via plugins or scripting/command bar. Old welds have a CFrame property which allows them to be tweened (not sure if constraints can be tweened). A normal weld when in a model with a forcefield cannot be broken by explosions. Weld constraints do not break when moved individually in studio, they cannot be protected from explosions as far as I know. There’s probably more differences but I cannot name any more right now.


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