Are you ready to use this new AMAZING plugin?

it can not be a script , it is a module script to make you able to access it is functions.

‮‭‮‭‮‭‮‭‮‭‮‭Nah Bro is Drinking

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Ok? I can modify plugins and scripts however I want because who will be reading my scripts? People are already free to view your code so why shouldn’t I send it on the forums, A PLACE FOR DEVELOPERS.?



There should be a dislike button just for people like U bro


by clicking install you agree that you will not share or sell the plugin code.

Bro, we’re not hating on you or your module, we’re hating on your behavior, at this point make the modulescript paid and sell it on itch, THEN take legal action on people that distribute it. Community Resources are for Open-Sourced, you guessed it, RESOURCES!

This is incorrect. And even if it wasn’t, there is no way to know that, get this, WITHOUT PRESSING INSTALL!


A privacy policy is how a product displays how it handles CONSUMER privacy, it has no legality in terms of the product’s copyright.

In order for you to enforce anyone sharing your code you’d have to make the users of the plugin agree to a ToS. But either way, since you publish it on Roblox publicly, your code is public, and developers are allowed to see it and use it, they can publish it under themselves unless you have a copyright license saying otherwise.


Either you are a troll or really young, but at this point you are just failing to recognize you are wrong, this shouldn’t be a plugin, but a SCRIPT. I know this is your first plugin and I would say you did an okay job, but all it does is inserting a module script.

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No, that’s not how that works. Making something public, means you give the consumer accessing your product, access to the code, the only difference would be they cannot resell or republish it if it is protected under copyright.

it is my code and my work i do not want people to sell it.

You’ve made it open source by uploading it and setting it to free.

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Now, you can use the Roblox Rights manager to take down assets which use your code without your permission, but that’s only if people use your code.

Cool i didn’t sell it so you wont sue me right

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ok ok …
i added a privacy policy because i do not want people to sell my code or make another plugin with my code like “Super Extra Function” etc…
i just wanted to make a plugin to help creators and i made it free…

i just was looking for feedbacks and suggestion to improve it and make it more helpful …

A Privacy policy isn’t about your product’s copyright or license, it’s about how your product handles consumer data.


a Privacy Policy which is invalid.
I would recommend to stop replying at this thread since Its very clear OP is a troll.


Privacy policy stating that you don’t have my information and can’t sue me for selling your code? Tyvm

iam not a troll , iam just a dev who wanted to help other devs so he made a plugin

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What he meant earlier, is that you should right click the modulescript and upload THAT as a model instead of making a plugin.


i Updated the plugin and it is licence.