Not sure if I have set this up wrong but I think I’ve found quite a big flaw with this model is that if someone has already touch the part, and another user touches the part it wont play the music for the other user.
So, one person can enjoy the sound but other users can’t.
Making this kind of useless in multiplayer games…
Try it out now, I believe I’ve fixed the issue. 
v5.1 Release
New with [v5.1]:
- PlaybackSpeed Support
- PlaybackSpeedTween Attribute
- PlaybackSpeedTransitionSpeed Attribute
- Note that this version is not compatible with previous versions if using the new PlaybackSpeed support.
This update was suggested by @4kunz.
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Does this also have fade in fade out and fade in to the next sound, or how does it handle multiple sounds playing, or transitions ?
The video in the original post shows how it works with default settings. There are settings to change specific attributes of how quickly it transitions or if it transitions at all. You can also make sound effect triggers with the right attribute settings. If you want different tracks or sfx to play without replacing each other, you’ll have to rename the sound part.
Is there a particular feature you’re looking for that wasn’t shown in the original post?
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v5.1a Patch
New with [v5.1a]:
Minor fix regarding TimePosition not resuming properly when KeepSoundPosition is enabled (and AutoSoundPosition is disabled).
This patch fixes a timing issue with a simple delay, but it’s not a perfect solution. It appears to work fine in testing, but be sure to let me know if the problem persists. If you do have an issue, a temporary fix is to increase the delay on line 192 (this line number may change and is only accurate as of v5.1a).
This issue was mentioned by @ziyezide.
When I change a SoundParts SoundID while listening to it, the sound immediately flicks to playing the new SoundID without smoothly transitioning, as well as this it also keeps the TimePosition of the sound you were just listening to so it will start playing the new SoundID like midway through.
Is it currently possibly to do something like this? Change a SoundParts SoundID and have it smoothly transition between sounds?
Do you mean changing the SoundId within an individual Sound Part’s settings? If so, I assume that you’re only wanting it to change if it was changed for the sound part that’s currently “active” for that player? I could certainly do that.
If it makes it easier to understand lol, I’ve made a script that changes the SoundID of a Soundpart when it turns to night, and again when its day, so there is different music depending on the time of day.
What I’m simply interested in is that when the SoundID changes when it becomes night, there is the smooth transition from Day Music to Night music (And vice versa) for all players already currently listening to the Day Music through that SoundPart, rather than it instantly unsatisfyingly flicking between the two pieces of music and also having it start midway through.
Makes sense, I just wanted to make sure that that’s what you meant. I’ll try to push an update for that in a little bit.
v5.2 Release
New with [v5.2]:
- Added transition for when the SoundId of the active sound has been changed via the Sound Part’s setting’s sound instance.
This update was suggested by @HeWhoShallNotBeBaned.
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That’s alright, and thank you very much for the update! This will be a huge help!
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