Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

Hmm, wally might work but again, formatting all the scripts to sync with Argon will be a pain. But, I’ll also look for some other ways.

I will look into that. Only blacklisted characters are these:

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That is why i said “under a few conditions”

I believe argon has the same system to tell if the script is in server or client but it might not support some wally packages (e.g. tooling files included on them)

No you dont have to format those scripts.

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Okay so the problem is literally: . now I will try to fix that. Today I will release version 0.4.3 with all of these problems fixed!



God-like fix :sunglasses: epik :dark_sunglasses: 30alphabet

Argon 0.4.3


  • Added new Argon menu (old commands won’t work anymore!)
  • Added JSON Schema file to make editing “.argon.json” easier
  • Fixed instances with special characters in their names not syncing from VSC to Roblox
  • Fixed Roblox Studio updating every time you use launch Roblox Studio command
  • Fixed open in editor option not working after leaving settings
  • Fixed version detection API (plugin and extension were getting wrong values)
  • Upgraded open in editor option - now scripts inside Studio will close automatically

New extension menu!

Just take a look:

Upgraded open in editor option!

Now scripts inside Studio will close automatically:


Amazing! Once again, pog. The future updates are really hyped.

By the way, I’ve always wondered. What does the .argon.json file actually do?

I am a Rojo user and probably won’t be using Argon for various of reasons, however I see that good potential for new users to use this as a alternative to Rojo for editing Roblox places on the filesystem, I believe Rojo’s learning curve is high is cli based, while Argon has a UI and everything needed for beginner friendly-ness.

tldr: Argon can be a starting point for new users looking to edit Roblox places without using Studio or using version control software for Roblox places, since Rojo has a high learning curve and users might be discouraged

A bit of my story, the first time I’ve used Rojo, I had a hell of a hurdle with even porting a project to the filesystem and deciding project structure, before I eventually just decided to not use it, well until a year later then I decided to try again, yes it needs effort and time to learn, but once you learn it, it becomes ultimately simple

So, what I am saying is that just use what you can and don’t overdo complaints, find something easy first and learn it off then step up the stair and increase the difficulty, find the right software and tooling you need. Already know Rojo and don’t have plans to switch? Then don’t! You’re new and looking something easy to use? Then find it, like Argon here, or any other syncing tools that I am unaware of

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The things that you listed in your post are, yes, correct indeed. Argon is meant for simple use, to be beginner friendly.

Many people do not understand version control or such things, which is why they fail to understand why there are that many files when you start Rojo. Rojo does have a few confusing things, but I like Rojo myself as the UI is clean, you have CLI system and etc.

Though, Rojo is not updated as much before and Argon is still in demo. Obviously, people have their own choices and you like Rojo more than Argon. Go for it. Nobody is here what you must use, but Argon is recommended. I’m sure there will be new things in the future and the plugin itself has features Rojo doesn’t.

So, don’t worry, nobody’s forcing. It’s all your choice.

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By the way, the synced directories don’t work… (It syncs everything)

Just checked, synced directories do work.

Remember that this setting is only considered when porting from Roblox and when using two-way sync. So when you are porting from VSC everything will be ported. I can change that but I think that it should work that way.

So for now it’s used to store 3 things:

  • your custom directory (the only one you should use)
  • current Studio version (used only when updating classes)
  • all Roblox classes (used only when updating classes)

So let’s say that you updated classes and you have “src” folder inside “RBLX Plugin” folder then your .argon.json should look like this:

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I do have Two-way sync enabled. Still when I add folder to ServerStorage it just adds it even though I’ve ServerStorage disabled.

Pretty cool.

But where do you add this folder? In VSC or in Roblox? Two-way sync (from Roblox to VSC) syncs only script instances.

From VSC… 30abcsSoThatICanFinishTheAlphabet

Forgot to add that syncing works that way either, sorry.

It’s alright. I’m not here to just cry about a bug in the plugin. But, it’ll be better if it’s fixed so no-one will face problems.

I wanted to make Argon as easy as possible so yeah. But Rojo also has UI in both Roblox and VSC.

I created Argon not to make it beginner friendly (and so it happened) but to make it less annoying when working on literally anything other than one game.

See, I do a lot of commission so I have to work on many different places at once and doing that with Rojo is huge pain! Thanks to Argon’s flexibility I can change dramatically anything I want without having to setup whole project again. It also helps with developing plugins.

True, that’s why I added this to main post: “Argon is an alternative for Rojo not its replacement!”

I generally agree with you so thank you for feedback!

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