Armored Core-Style Mech Movement


Is it possible to have some Armored Core-Style Movement system for like a Mech game ?

The Machine slides around, and of course directional movement would exist. I am just wondering if its possible to have something like this, and maybe expand the scope in the future to have a functioning Mech game… because 99% of the Mech games that are playable on ROBLOX are not of what my vision lists.

Something more heavy metal and almost realistic, nothing cartoony and all.

That is just an idea of what I wish to create, I have few games that are decent stepping stones… but I still wish to know where to start on something like this, I can do great Mech models using MAYA, but can’t script whatsoever.

I know a basis is needed, but a few ideas being thrown around that I can build off of would be great.

I can do things such as Model and Rig and mostly animate, but at the end of the day, I want to see if something like this movement system is even possible.

(Examples I can provide is that you google Armored Core V/VI gameplay, for that sliding movement, or just the MS-09B DOM from Mobile Suit Gundam)

Thanks !

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Nice to see a fellow mech/mecha enthusiast.

I am also currently trying this on as a mini side project.

Scripting wise fundamentally its acceleration and physics.

Velocity += acceleration×deltaTime

Theres also a lot of camera work as well.

Also believes this goes in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support as it is programming related.

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Thanks for the response,

Glad to know you are also attempting this as a little side project. As this is my first post here, I’ll make sure to put future ones within the correct category.

I’ve always wanted to do a group project with someone, to really make good use of my Mech models.