Artillery shell trajectory

I’m trying to make artillery and make the shell trajectory like this. Is there any way I could do it on a script or more about the built-in physics?


you wan’t to make artilery projectile goes that trajectory, and then explodes when near end yea? if yes you can use bezier curves, it uses interpolation to make a efect to make curve, you can modify it by changing position ect.


I don’t know how to use bezier curves, perhaps send a link to the page of it?

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there was a page on dev hub, but now you have there isn’t, you can make beziers by lerping two vectors at the same time, one is from start to center, another from center to end, if i’m wrong correct me


They used to have an article in the docs but have moved it (rather frustratingly).
I found it here though:

The explanations can be a bit confusing I find, but there are a few other devforum posts which explain it better than I would.

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