As a developer, it's really hard to gain visibility when roblox shadowbans my game

Desktops and laptops are generally far more powerful than mobile devices. A game I made that would’ve crashed computers years ago, now performs just fine (albeit not at max settings) on a bad laptop in my school’s computer lab. I don’t think the same could be said for mobile

I am learning about all this right now. Last night I put Roblox Titanic on mobile (I have samsung s7 so I have been able to playtest it fine), however the average visit time is less than half of computer/desktop so something is obviously wrong. I get group wall comments saying it’s crashed etc. Going to have to take it off mobile or risk being shadow banned, unless it already happened. Then once a new more efficient ship is in the game a few months off that will be a lot less stress on mobile, I hope the shadow ban isn’t applied still. What Sharksie is saying makes total sense, not being able to update roblox that the game’s performance has improved.

I think average visit time being less than PC/console is a given, not necessarily indicative of a larger problem, since mobile players tend to play games for a very short amount of time in general.

But yes I agree, if this Shadow Ban has the effects that we’re talking about, then there should be an ‘appeal’ system in place.

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Tablets and phone devices can handle MUCH less than the average pc or laptop. Most computers can load most games, most phones can’t load most games.


We appreciate the feedback provided and have since started exposing stats. For crash rates. More on this will be on its way as we continue.

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