An important thing to use when designing is Scale (not just Offset). AnchorPoints are very useful, too. When designing, you should use both scale and offset, as they complement each other and do things the other can’t.
You’d want to position it at the bottom by setting its position scale value to 1 – e.g. {0, 0}, {1, 0}
However due to the default AnchorPoint setting, you’d also want to set the Y anchor to 1 so you can see the full object.
Thanks for the reply, as it did fix the Y position problem. It did not fix the X position problem though, as it still adjusts improperly with the aspect ratio, despite the fact that I’ve used the anchor points, scale, and offset for the position.
Have you read up on the UDim2 section in the wiki? Or this helps explain it a bit too in the Resizing an Element section:
If you want a GUI with a certain aspect ratio, then you should probably use Size instead of Scale, because Scale will go off your screen size which can change with different screens of course.
I know about all that, I’m the guy who wrote the UI design guide here – I’m just unsure of what his issue is exactly.
Also, it’s Offset and Scale, not Size and Scale. Scale is good for getting things in the same abstract position/size independent of screen size (e.g. he wanted something at the bottom, which will always be scale 1).
Here is a place with the same gui, I just inserted a normal frame and edited the size, position and anchor point. (The size does not affect the position)