AssemblyAngularVelocity can't be assigned to AssemblyLinearVelocities value

Try printing the values and let me know what it prints.

Try printing the LinearVelocity and AngularVelocity

also why u try to set 0 to 0?

script.Parent.AssemblyAngularVelocity = script.Parent.AssemblyLinearVelocity

So I think when the cannon moves the velocity changes so it won’t be 0, 0, 0

The cannon is moving. Linear Velocity is not 0!!!

If you guys want it

while wait() do
   script.Parent.AssemblyAngularVelocity = script.Parent.Velocity * 100

Already tried that, also doesn’t work…

Then use hinge constraint fot this

There is a very complicated reason why I can’t do this but trust me I can’t rely on just purely a hinge constraint. there already is one ofcourse

As a sidenote, using while wait() do is bad practice.
Wait() in general is deprecated, as it doesn’t work well with the way the engine runs things. It’s also better to include the delay/yield in the script itself, so you would get:

while true do

Or with the task.wait() coming before doing something in case it can error and otherwise could error without delay.

while wait() do
   script.Parent.AssemblyAngularVelocity = + script.Parent.Velocity.Z  * 100,0,0)

This gave me an Idea and it worked. I have absolutely zero Idea how this solution worked, but It did. Thank you everyone for helping!

while wait() do
	script.Parent.AssemblyAngularVelocity = - script.Parent.Velocity.Z)/-2,0,(script.Parent.Velocity.X + script.Parent.Velocity.Z)/-2)

Ur cannon is moving in X and Z axes so sometimes velocity will be 0 for x but 10 for z

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