Assigning Custom Characters Based on Team

I want to assign a different character model to a player depending on what team they are on. I am having trouble understanding how to change a player’s character anyways. I understand that to have all players have a new character model you would just name a model StarterCharacter. However, I want to have multiple models that I can use to represent the players in my game.

Example pic:

How I think the code would look:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Teams = game:GetService("Teams")
local hunters = Teams.Hunters

		for i, v in pairs(hunters)do
			v.Character = Character

I have read around 10 topics on custom characters at this point and browsed for tutorials on YouTube, to no avail. The explanations are either too brief, too vague, or not applicable to what I want to do. I have thought of using humanoid descriptions, but I don’t think those would be able to accomplish the same effect.

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I’m not sure if this is the best way of going around it but you could swap out the characters after they load in or something like that

Yeah, I had seen his solution. The camera acts pretty wonky though and the limbs don’t seem to work right.