Assistant: Enhanced Script Insertion Unlocks New Use Cases

I don’t care about AI stuff, I just want the occlusion culling.


This is a cool system! But in the script AI, sometimes it glitches randomly, but nice to see improvements :slight_smile:


It would be nice if the assistant learned to match your coding style somewhat, its obsessed with using str:method when I prefer using string.method(str)

Also can you please make it look forward so it doesn’t add unneccessary end or } blocks.


Not really interested in AI outside of model/texture generation. Would rather improvements be made to the engine elsewhere


Nice you got there staff let the AI blown with scripts info


This is really cool, Since its in early stage it occurs to glitch out sometimes but works really well, Keep it going roblox

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In future use cases; will it be using the advancements of luau, rather than standard Roblox lua?

I just feel as it’s back in time on those terms.
Like it should be providing examples using latest luau features, optimisations, etc.

I understand you’ll have to essentially ‘train it’ but, at this point in time. I mean it understands luau when using the code assist via a script with luau already being used within it. But not for use cases like this?


Thanks for your feedback. We are working on it.

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Intergrate AI for other uses besides script generation, idiots!!

No problem, appreciate the time & effort. :leftwards_hand:

This is great but the AI literally explains the script every goddamn time even though i ask it not to