Attaching Bones to Attachments

How can I attach a Bone to a Attachment?


Basically I have a Physical Rig using Springs and a display one using a mesh and bones. but I am curious how would I connect those Attachments Inside the Joints (Rig) to the Bones (Mesh / Display)

Could anyone tell me a solution whether its a constraint or a script please provide examples… :pray: Anyway I’m off to bed. I will mark you Solution and Appreciate you veryyy much. If you help me out!

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What a coincidence, I was learning about this exact thing yesterday.

Bones are a subclass of Attachments, meaning that a bone does everything an attachment does, plus it has some additional functionality. That means that you can use bones as attachment points for constraints. The best constraint to use when it comes to connecting an attachment to a bone is the RigidConstraint, which will make two attachments overlap perfectly. It seems it was introduced for that exact behavior even.

Like if we added a RigidConstraint weld-like joint that used Attachments, we’d want you to be able to weld a shield to the animated hand bone even with a custom single part, single mesh “S15” character.

I have used this same method to, for example, attach accessories to a skinned mesh in my own project.

Do note that a RigidConstraint does not allow you to specify an offset between the two connected attachments however, so it may be worth adding special bones to your rig whose only purpose is to be used as attachment points for other objects. Or you may have to move the attachment inside your physical rig to a different location to line up with the bone in your display mesh.


Thank you so much! This is very helpful.

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