Welding doesn’t work if both parts are anchored
Maybe you should try changing some physical properties. It doesn’t look like some script problem
Just Touched event calls when part in the air
None are anchored. Also, it didnt work.
i dont really know how to fix but its really hard to fix this issue, but I think ill try:
I added alignposition hopefully it will work if it doesn’t work message me
if hit.Name=="2x1x2" or hit.Name=="3x3x3 Ball" or hit.Name=="2x2x2" or hit.Name=="4x1x2" then
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
local w=Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
local alignPos = Instance.new("AlignPosition")
alignPos.MaxForce = 10000
alignPos.MaxVelocity = 100
alignPos.Responsiveness = 50
alignPos.Parent = script.Parent
alignPos.Attachment0 = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Attachment") or Instance.new("Attachment", script.Parent)
alignPos.Attachment1 = hit:FindFirstChild("Attachment") or Instance.new("Attachment", hit)
for _, v: BasePart in script.Parent:GetConnectedParts() do
local partsInside = workspace:GetPartsInPart(v)
if #partsInside >= 0 then
This didnt even work and theyre now just flinging around when touching a brick.
I think you should just listen to Jack. the error: Attempt to call missing method "GetPartsInPart
literally means that “script.Parent:GetConnectedParts():GetPartsInPart()” is a missing method, which means it doesn’t exist.
just use the function with workspace instead
Got an error. GetConnectedParts is not a valid member of Workspace “Workspace”
you might have misunderstood. all you have to do is do something like this:
workspace:GetPartsInParts() -- returns a table
Argument 1 missing or nil
Error above.
Heres the script right now:
if hit.Name=="2x1x2" or hit.Name=="3x3x3 Ball" or hit.Name=="2x2x2" or hit.Name=="4x1x2" then
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
local w=Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
if workspace:GetPartsInPart()==nil then --Check if welded bricks arent touching and cleans
w:Destroy() --Destroy weld if target is found: Welded, but not touching
I think you should practice doing a bit of research on your own. you need to define a part of where the function should look for. in simple terms, the code does not know which part to see if there is another part inside it. here’s what you should do:
local overlapParams = OverlapParams.new()
-- configure your params here. example: overlapParams.FilterType
local partTable = workspace:GetPartsInParts(part, overlapParams)
overlapParams are a way to configure and limit the parts that you get in the table.
“Argument 1 missing or nil” implies that the first argument in :GetPartsInPairs() is missing, i.e. the part that the script should look into. hope this helps!
Whats the part variable for? Its never mentioned.
the first argument in the function
will be the part that the function will look into. if you have part1 as an instance in workspace and use the function, you need to have part1 as the first argument. doing that will cause the function too look for other parts that are inside part1
for example:
local part1 = Instance.new("Part", workspace)
local parts = workspace:GetPartsInPart(part1)
print(parts) -- would print a table with all parts inside part1. if there are no parts, then it would print out "{}"
I will update more errors tomorrow, i have to go sleep.
I am back, and this did not work.