Attempt to compare nil < number

It does not show any errors but the part is not spawing

Which number you typed to attribute?It should be 0.

It didn’t work :((((((((((((( anything else?

yea I added 0 as you said it doesn’t work

Add print after if spawned < 5 then. And look if it prints.

it worked but dough didn’t spawn

I quickly went ahead and reorganized your script and added a few debugging logs.

Could you try to run this and tell us the result in output?

--| Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

--| Variables
local Spawner = script.Parent

--| Methods
function SpawnDough()
	if not ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("DoughPart") then 
		warn("Couldn't find Dough Part"); return nil

	local myDough = ReplicatedStorage.DoughPart:Clone()
	myDough.Parent = workspace
	myDough.Position = Spawner.Position

	return myDough

while task.wait(2) do
	local Spawned = Spawner:GetAttribute("DoughSpawned")
	if not Spawned or typeof(Spawned) ~= "number" then Spawned = 0; Spawner:SetAttribute("DoughSpawned", 0) end --| Ensures its not nil and replaces with 0

	if Spawned and Spawned < 5 then
		local myDough = SpawnDough()
		Spawner:SetAttribute("DoughSpawned", Spawner:GetAttribute("DoughSpawned") + 1)
		warn("Spawned a dough.")
		warn("Spawned is above 4.")

Try to print dough.Parent and also is it anchored?

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You need to fix it a little bit

Damn yea it was anchored my bad anyways thank you you are the solution!

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