You can’t pass functions as arguments to remote events & functions.
Before you go, I wrapped the [“markerreached”] and animation remote in a pcall, the error stopped appearing, and the error stopped but now the function just fire immediately
Oh, I actually thought about that, but if doing so is not possible, do you know any other way I could do it?
Yes. You could pass a RemoteFunction as a callback. But notice that it must be created on the server.
So instead of using a remoteevent i should use a remotefunction? and what do you mean by “it must be created on the server”?
No, you can still use RemoteEvent. But instead of passing lua function you can pass RemoteFunction
Uhm, sorry but could you give me an example of how i would do it, im new to scripting and i struggle so much with remotes, arguments and all that hard stuff
I tried to do it myself but still got the error, what I did was create a new remotefunction, then i made a new function in my localscript, and then instead of doing “animationremote:FireClient” i did “animationfunction:InvokeClient”
the local script function:
local function Animation(AnimationName,Task,AnimationData,Callback)
AnimationFunction.OnClientInvoke = Animation
The InvokeClient thing:
AnimationFunction:InvokeClient(Player, "Reversal Red", "MarkerReached", "ready", function()
No, do not use lua function as callback. Use RemoteFunction instead.
-- callback is a RemoteFunction
function callback.OnServerInvoke()
print("Hello world")
event:FireClient(1, 2, 3, callback)
You can’t send functions over remote events. It converts to just a string.
Oh,got the same error, these remotes thing is really hard.
I did this on a module script (and i think that’s why it doesn’t work)
function Callback.OnServerInvoke()
AnimationRemote:FireClient(Player, "Reversal Red", "Play")
AnimationRemote:FireClient(Player, "Reversal Red", "MarkerReached", "ready", Callback)
So you said it should be created on the server, but what do i do if i have multiple markers and everyone of them needs different functions, i can’t just keep making new remotefunctions everytime.
And even after putting this in a server script:
function Callback.OnServerInvoke()
And this in the module script:
AnimationRemote:FireClient(Player, "Reversal Red", "Play")
AnimationRemote:FireClient(Player, "Reversal Red", "MarkerReached", "ready", Callback)
It didn’t work. Ohh, I am so tired of this it’s been like 5 days that i am trying to figure this out. Thank to everyone for their help so far.
What exactly didn’t work? Did you get any errors?
Got the same error
Attempt to connect failed: Passed value is not a function - Studio
Stack Begin - Studio
Script 'ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Shared.AnimationManager', Line 109 - function MarkerReached - Studio - AnimationManager:109
Script 'Players.SussyZets.PlayerScripts.Client.Core', Line 59 - Studio - Core:59
Script 'Players.SussyZets.PlayerScripts.Client.Core', Line 113 - Studio - Core:113
Stack End
It’s because you can’t connect RemoteFunction to an event. You must create a wrapper:
event:Connect(function() callback:InvokeServer() end)
I did this:
AnimationRemote:Connect(Player, "Reversal Red", "MarkerReached", "ready", function() Callback:InvokeServer() end)
And I get this error:
Connect is not a valid member of RemoteEvent "ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.AnimationRemote" - Server - Gojo:436
Stack Begin - Studio
Script 'ServerScriptService.Server.Characters.Gojo', Line 436 - Studio - Gojo:436
Script 'ServerScriptService.Server', Line 218 - Studio - Server:218
Stack End
I also did
AnimationRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(Player, "Reversal Red", "MarkerReached", "ready", function() Callback:InvokeServer() end)
But I still get the same error.
No! You CANNOT pass Lua functions to remotes. You must create wrapper when you connect roblox event, not when you invoke RemoteFunction.