So recently, I decided to make an apocalypse GFX for fun, and I think it turned out OK. The lighting is a little strange, but thats the best I could do with such a large environment. What do you think?
Looks really good! However, I have a few suggestions:
I agree. However, this can be really easily fixed. Just tone down the brightness, and it looks a lot better (from my point of veiw)
A second thought is the weird wall.
It looks blocky, and out of place. It seems to take the quality down a lot. How to fix? Turn it into some sandbags, or something that fits the scene better.
the road itself is really plastic-y. I suggest making it more like pavement by simply adding a grain texture to it.
The minigun is a bit excessive. Miniguns are super heavy, that man is strong In all seriousness, I suggest changing the minigun to an AK47, or an assault rifle, shotgun, whatever - something that will make it look more normal. These are things that people usually associate with apocalypse, not miniguns.
The car’s wheels are clipping through the ground, and I suggest making the car look more rusted/dented, like it has been sitting there awhile.
I hope you realize I am not attacking your work, but instead giving you constructive criticism. You have a great start, and a lot of potential. With a few tweeks, you can have yourself a very solid gfx. Well done! Excited to see your future work!
Blockquote I hope you realize I am not attacking your work, but instead giving you constructive criticism. You have a great start, and a lot of potential. Blockquote <
I understand completely! Thanks for the advice!
This looks wonderful! I can tell you’ve put a lot of effort into making the scenery for this GFX. However, I do have a few suggestions I’d like to state.
Just as how Infinite_Visions stated,
- Add some more texture to the models to make it more realistic, since it looks a bit flat from the current image you provided.
- Change up some of the assets you have used, the buildings in the background look very repetitive which can spoil the mood.
Apart from that, everything looks good. You should listen to other suggestions made by players in this thread. It may help you improve in the future.
Edit: Forgot to mention! You can use Pixlr as a photoshopping application to change the lighting, it’s a free software which many people use
Btw, these did have textures, but when importing them to blender, they did not get added to the file. Is there any way I can add them?
You could search up tutorials on how to import different textures onto blender, I’m sure Youtube has a bunch of good videos on the subject. You could also ask #help-and-feedback:art-design-support too.
lighting is strange, character posing is ‘questionable’ the cars and stuff also look weird the brick wall is just there and has no textures the skybox is visible the buildings don’t look 3d and it isn’t very appealing to the eye. seriously use blender.
now, i hope im not being too harsh on you, but im rating this a 1.5/10
I will keep this as simple as I can so you can understand and hope this will help you improve your art.
User lights from HDRI’s will be the best way to do it. If you rendered with eevee, you want to keep the settings like this for the best result
Duplicate the house can bring it to the back to cover this spot here, you only see sky lookin up
This wall is weird, make it a broken car or some stones
Now you want to add depth to gfx and this is how.
Select the camera
you will find this small samera tab
click it
Now find “Depth of field” and check the box, then change the settings as shown
Click the eye droper icon in this box then click the character you want to focus on.
Here’s some of my tips to help you improve the quality of the render, not how to make it more realistic because some people had already showed how. Please leave a like if this helped!
I am using blender? I don’t really understand some of your criticism either. Mind explaining?
Thanks for the feedback! I will try it gain!
the character posing doesn’t look like you used a rig. professional gfx uses a rig. also the lighting wasn’t smooth and environmentily and stuff so it didnt look like blender. im saying: why is there a random wall with no textures in the middle of the street, the buildings look not 3d (which they are) and the hdri doesn’t match in well.
Looks good, however I would suggest using a rig, it gives you more variation in posing while still looking less clunky. You can find some videos on how to get rigs on YouTube. Overall, it looks sick dude.
I don’t know why, but the texture for any of the parts except for the rig did not get added to blender, which is why everything is plastic.
As I said, I am not used to blending large
Backgrounds in and did not know at the time of posting this, that there was a way to import textures.
I appreciate the advice and thank you for clearing it up!
The orange wall looks really strange with how detailed the environment is and why is that person on the orange wall cut in half out of the frame?
Camera error, I’m trying to fix rn.
This should solve the problem, it’s something I find usual so I think it’ll improve your work.
Unfortunately, this does not work for 2.91 blender, as I cant get it to work. It keeps saying that I need blender 2.7x
Hmm. I’m not sure. I’ll try again sometime later