Attributes - Now Available!

they should change attribute in properties tab so you can click on the name of the attribute and able to change the name. When you click the gear it should have an option to change the attribute name and type like changing number to string or string to number, vise versa.
Another cool feature is that you can click and drag the attributes so you can easily organize it.


I would really like to use attributes a whole lot more than I do now, but we can’t use object references yet. It is pretty annoying considering how long this feature has been live and how much it is in demand. There’s plenty of use-cases for it, so I hope support will be added soon.


+1 @WallsAreForClimbing

I would love to see object values added as well table support, I don’t know how much longer I can go having to convert strings into tables ;(

function ConvertStringToTable(convert)
	assert(typeof(convert) == "string", "invalid argument (string expected, got "..tostring(type(convert))..")")
	-- ConvertStringToTable	
	local function RemoveExcessSpaces(str)
		return string.gsub(str, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
	local SplitWords = string.split(convert, ",")
	return SplitWords

ConvertStringToTable("rogerlodec_games, SillyMeTimbers, AsimoSometh  ingIdk, Roblox, Tiffblocks")

May I ask why Objects isn’t supported yet?
They are my only use case I need it for.


May I ask why features get released then forgot about after 3 months from its release :frowning:

It’s indeed sad that we haven’t received any news about attributes since they got release, now we are left with hacky solutions to use for specific attributes that are not supported (tables for e.g. → converting into JSON table → decoding into normal table).

Please consider hearing our voices and add following types into attributes:

  • Instances
  • Tables (arrays, dictionaries)
  • CFrames

and also very valuable would be to add :IncrementAttribute() and so on.

@tnavarts @WallsAreForClimbing


Hey guys! It’s a year today attributes have been released and I’m wondering, what kind of stuff have you made using attributes?

I am using attributes kind of everywhere only thing that is limiting me is the lack of Instance, table and CFrame type attributes. Hopefully we will get some info about it soon.

I found a super neat usecase for attributes.

because FindFirstChild("Humanoid") is slow as heck I figured that you can just give a model a attribute and do object:GetAttribute("IsLivingCreature") ~= nil instead which is 100x faster probably than FindFirstChild().

For those who are writing AI scripts or tools that damage other players/entities, instead of searching for a humanoid with FindFirstChild() just check if it has an attribute with a specific name instead and then deal damage to said humanoid.

Side note: this has already been possible for ages with TagService, but the negative side of TagService is that you have to script it and you can’t see in Studio which object has what tag.

Use this trick if you can, will definitely improve performance in AI- or gear-heavy games.


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