Authorization denied HTTP Request

I am currently making something that involves making requests to the API and when I send this request , the response is “Authorization has been denied for this request.” How can I authorize myself in order to get the data? Do I need to pass my .roblosecurity cookie through the request? If so, how should I proceed?

The issue is you cannot send any requests to through HttpService, so you will have to use a proxy. You would send a request to that, then the proxy would request Roblox and give you back some info.

I am actually writing the program in python, so this shouldn’t be an issue.

You need to pass a XCSRF token and the Cookie in the headers of the request.

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Change “” to “”.

He would still need to provide his cookies, hes doing a Bot (discord sided) not ingame. so he wouldnt need to use a proxy

Yes sorry I did not see that. for @FruitBarrel you needs to pass X-CSRF token and your .ROBLOSECURITY cookie in the headers of the request.

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