Autocomplete deletes the rest of the next symbol instead of inserting autocompleted text

Just coming in here to throw in my two cents - I think this is buggy behavior, too.

I made that post under the Studio Features section as a suggestion so that I didn’t ruffle any feathers for rehashing a bug that had been handled and decided on by the IDE team previously. I was err -ing on the side of caution.

This is still disruptive behavior that should be at least standardized. There should be no difference between using the Tab key vs. the Enter key.


Ah so thats why it was happening, i thought it was an issue because of my plugin so i decided to fix the weird logic myself :joy:

I hope this gets fixed soon for the rest though, it was very annoying

Hi All,

We have just turned on the fix for this (thanks to @notchickennnnn) and now there is a Studio setting that governs the behavior:

Please keep us posted if there are any further concerns about this.


Bless, I’m very happy to see this fixed. I tested this in Studio just now however, and I don’t see a difference in behavior, is this still enabled? Changing the setting did not affect anything.

Hi, the default keeps everything the same as it is today; you’ll have to pick your favorite behavior from the settings…

Insert on enter should mean that in the video, pressing enter on the suggestion should simply insert it there instead of replacing the next symbol, correct?

This was the default, but changing it doesn’t have any effect for the case I am trying nor the case here.
Also, pressing tab versus enter in the video scenario does not have different behavior.

Version 0.657.0.6570603 (64bit)

Interesting, I just tested this both on Windows and Mac and it works as expected.:
Insert on enter:

Replace on tab:

I wonder if we’re missing something…?

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I set my setting to “Insert” and it works for me. But when I told a friend of about this and he tried it, it didn’t work for him.

Thanks for working on this, by the way.


Is it possible this depends on a particular beta feature?

I looked through the code and I didn’t see any; we could test with all betas off to see, I guess.

@hello42, @PeZsmistic,

I’m checking if you (or a friend) still have issues around this, can you DM me your Studio logs please so we can troubleshoot?

One possibility I’ve seen is that the setting might not get saved, but we would have to dig deeper for that one.

Thank you!

Unfortunately it’s still not working, Studio just updated. I tried in a baseplate as before. I changed the setting to “Insert” away from the default I mentioned before, restarted studio, confirmed the setting saved, but it still isn’t working. I tried it again with the on-screen keyboard to try to rule out hardware.


Thank you, I looked at the logs and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, so my only guess at this point is that either a plugin is interfering with this or the setting somehow got “stuck”. You could try to back up your Studio settings and delete them to see if that clears up things though I’m not sure if it’s worth the effort.

Found it, reproduces with a plugin like this:

local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")

ScriptEditorService:RegisterAutocompleteCallback("asgdfg", 1, function(request, response)
	return response

This should be a no-op I thought?

Wow, great find! I repro-d it locally, with a plugin using this API we always replace.

And you are correct, this should be a noop and regardless even if it does something it should behave according to the new Setting.

We’ll look into this and correct the behavior.

Thank you for the investigation!

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Hey there - yeah I can verify that this is the cause. Both my friend and I use a plugin that uses ScriptEditorService:RegisterAutocompleteCallback(). Good luck, and thanks for the effort on your part.

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Good news: we have a fix for this, hopefully coming out in the next few of weeks. (again, thanks to @notchickennnnn).


Hi All,

Can you verify that this issue is fixed?

Thank you!

Gave it a try and it looks like my testcase is working! Enter and tab now have the two different behaviors. Thanks for looking into this. :slight_smile:

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