Automatic buttons

i copyed the script agian but the script doesnt do anything

Use mine but of course make sure you know how to actually edit it. I believe I made it very clear where you would put your region detection code. Also do note that this forum is for helping people write code, not for getting people to write your game for free.

do i put the script in the part or in the region part

It literally does not matter where you put the script as long as it can run and you can access whatever you need to in order to create the right Region3. Also, as mentioned before, if you do need it to be a cylinder instead of a prism, you can use something like the custom Region3 module.

it doesnt do anything i dont get it

Read the errors and figure out how to debug the script. Also please try to at least understand what the script is doing. It is grabbing things inside of a region, checking which ones are players, and if they have not activated the boost yet, it increments their money. Then it waits for a specified time.

okay give me a few minutes brb

i am not getting how this is wrong can u pls help me

can someone pls help me with this stupit script i am trying to fix this for 2years and nobody ever gets the answer

It is wrong because the point of my code was to show you how to do it, you still clearly need to read and understand that the script is doing first, then apply it to what you require. Just by looking at it, you really only need to change like 2 things but if all you are doing to do is copy and paste code with literally no effort into figuring out what you should do then there is no point in me helping you. Effort aside, literally you just need to set active to whether or not the region should be active, set time to however long you want to wait, and findPartsInRegion needs to be a full region3 call, and how you can do that has already been said in earlier posts.

i wanna know how everything works but i cant learn if it isnt complete

The whole thing is complete, it is just missing some things which again you can figure out by reading older posts and also understanding how the script functions. You can make it work without even changing it by adding values to those variables and functions too in fact.

i am stil not getting it canu help me a little

blue lines in a script means bad or an error right ?

i dont get it

  1. If you want it to always be active then just use true
  2. workspace:FindPartsInRegion3()
  3. Look up how to use that function
  4. time in seconds

this is all good right way isnt it working

is this the answer

can someone pls help me further i think i am almost there

can u help me with the script or not