Automatic moderation system unfairly warned me, when I was uploading image. It thought I had social mentions on the image, when I specifically didn’t

When I uploaded an image texture of a Dr. Pepper soda can (not the attached dr. pepper image) onto Roblox Studio, using the asset manager, the automatic Roblox moderating system immediately took it down, and warned me. I realized that my mistake was probably because a website and company phone number was included on the image texture. So then, I removed all social mentions, and reuploaded the image (the attached Dr. Pepper image). Now, without any social information, the image was promptly taken down, and I was warned again, for the same reason. (The attached image of a warn.)

This started happening today, just about half an hour ago.

To recreate this issue, upload the Dr. Pepper image, I’ve added here, into Roblox. Then, you should get warned.

I have replicated this issue both times I have attempted it; 100% success rate with 2 attempts.

Please do not replicate the issue, and instead contact support through the e-mail in order to request an appeal. As far as I’m aware theirs no issues with your content, however Devforum isn’t really the place to correct this issue. I would also probably suggest not entirely using a trademarked brands product.

To answer your question though, I believe QR or Bar codes count as off-platform redirection.

Yeah I think that this counts as sort of advertisement and the rules for it havnt been fulfilled or sth

I wouldn’t say that a barcode could have any issues, they’re just numbers

It might be the use of the Dr Pepper brand that took this down