Automatic programming/scripting in roblox studio, possible?

Hello everyone, I’d just like to ask public if there is an option in Roblox studio to create a GUI that will create and then write & edit code in a script or local script by just clicking on buttons, entering values, etc. inside of this GUI. Because I’d like to work on the plugin and this would be very useful if there is an option or if anyone has any ideas on how this should work in scripting, please let me know.

If you are talking about variables then yeah that would work. If you are talking about changing a whole function or something big, then no.

i think you should use script.Source to change it’s source. With that you can edit functions and anything in scripts. ONLY plugins and commandbar can change script.Source

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So like, visual programming like Scratch? Yes, it’s possible. You would need to convert said blocks into actual code which you write into the script’s Source property as a whole string. Microsoft’s MakeCode Arcade software has this kind of a feature where you can switch between block-based and Java views (blocks are converted into Java when switching views and vice versa).

That would be such a great idea! This feature was actually asked before:

This would be great for beginners.

Something like boatbombers lua learning can steer you in the right direction, because it seems like it can execute code from a text label or something.

Hope you make the plugin!