Automatic Train System

Are Seat or StationSensor anchored?

StationSensor is anchored. The red block located on the rail is StationSensor and the seat is unanchored its welded with the train. Located on under the train.

What’s the class name of StationSensor?

Are you sure the Seat reaches StationSensor? The issue might be that the train lags and “jumps over” the sensor.

Maybe they could try using Region3 to detect when the Seat touched StationSensor if lag is the issue. I sometimes find that the Touch event is unreliable when it comes to stuff like this.

robloxapp-20230724-1053133.wmv (2.9 MB)
The video sorry its not mp4.


Can you explain what is script.Parent.Parent?

This is the train system I am using.

Can you try printing something if the condition has been passed?
For example,

if (child.Name == "StationSensor") and (child.Parent.DoorLeft.Value == true) then
	script.Parent.Parent.State.Throttle.Value = 0
	script.Parent.Parent.State.Brake.Value = 10
	script.Parent.Parent.State.Doorsystems.DoorL.Value = true
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Looks like its not printing. The child.Parent is not wrokign?

Try printing child.Parent then.
Not in the if condition, before it.

Hm. Looks like both are not working.

It appears like the Touched event is not being triggered. Are you sure that the Seat touches StationSensor?
If it 100% does, then check if any of them have unchecked CanTouch in the Properties. Check them back if they are off.

The sensor
Part seat

Are you using PhysicsService by any chance?

This is it?

I see that you don’t.
I think that the Touched event is pretty unreliable. You’ll need Region3 in order to achieve it.

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No, it is not. You need to check the NetworkOwner of the part. If it is different owner, it will not be reliable. Also make sure none of the assemblies are anchored. If it is they don’t touch.

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I manage to find a way to make something different.

Train System P2 - Creator Marketplace (

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Automatic Train System - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

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