Automatically lock topics that have been answered

It really just depends on the staff. They always have a reason for this so I suggest to ask a staff member and they would possibly explain to you in a deeper way than I could.

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A lot of times I accidently mark my topics as answered, imagine if this was in place and I locked my question for good with the answer as “Thank you I appreciate it”. This would be okay as an option, however could be abused sense when backlash starts happening they lock it right away. I don’t think this is a good idea to implement into the community.


So I don’t support this idea mainly because old topics may come back up like featured request, bugs, etc. People comment in showing their support on old topics where they want something addressed to show staff its still a want/issue.

You can always mute the topic.

They have their own guidelines and flagging for useful posts is necessary. But if its locked and no one can reply many other similar topics will come back up and I think DET dislikes that a bit more. Also locking a topic might hurt the topic’s creator more than anything.


I would like this feature to mainly be used in #help-and-feedback, let me add that. As for duplicates, I never thought of it that way. Now, I’m not sure if this feature will help or make people struggle more.

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This is not a good idea because in my experience using #help-and-feedback (when I still did), the first answer chosen as solution is not always the best / right answer. If a topic gets popular / gets found via search it could lead to propagation of an inappropriate solution or information to a particular problem. The topic should stay open so any experienced developers can come along and point out mistakes and better solutions.


I think what they were saying is what if OP got an answer that they thought would be the best so they mark it as the answer, but someone had an easier solution instead. There are many different ways to going about tasks and what if someone has an answer that would be better than the one you thought was good.

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mmmm I don’t entirely agree.

I see where you’re coming from and I respect it, but let me put it like this.

Lets say I’m not sure why this script isn’t working, and someone provides me a script for it to work, but it needs remotes and what not, then I put it as a solution, however lets say someone comes in with a much better script and explaining it so a noobie at programming like me can understand everything, and what remotes I need to do for that, then I’d solution them.
Or what if I just accidentally hit solution on accident and the topic gets closed.
This also can easily be abused.
There are other scenarios that you’re not thinking about which would be pretty bad if replies locked instantly on solution.

Like I respect and understand what you’re coming from, but no support

@buildthomas, @mqrvinsroom, and pretty much almost everyone above also made good points.

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I agree 100%.

The solution can even change as time goes on. For an extreme example, a few hours before UICorner was released, this thread had the second post marked as solution. It was correct at the time, and it was the best answer then too, but something like two hours later UICorner was released. UICorner became the new “most” correct answer to their problem.


No thanks. sometimes the OP’s solution isn’t always the best/final answer.

For example, Someone might post “how do I do hand tracking in VR”, and the first reply gives a very roundabout and inefficient method. Because that’s technically correct, OP flags it as solution. thread locked. so now not only does that person use the bad method. but anytime you search the same thing (because posting existing topics is bad), they’ll see that, and also use the bad solution.

A forum is a place of discussion, disagreement, and building off of other’s input. You can’t do that if the first technically right answer is the final answer.


Bad idea for a few reasons:

  1. There could be an answer that comes down the line which answers/helps the person more then the original

  2. You could mistakenly mark something as the solution

  3. You many want to continue the discussion


In resources and things like that, also in help and feedback, people bump and solution with new, fresh info that is important. Maybe if they unsolution it maybe?

When you say you want this in help and feedback, how is it going to help? What is the use of this? So the topic will get locked just after 2-3 people answered? I’m sure most people want as many opinions on their work as possible.

There is something known as ‘mute’. I highly doubt people would go searching for old and older topics to provide a solution.

No support to this at all.


Imagine if someone needs help on for example a CFrame script. You have the best answer for it but someone answers it, but it isn’t so good. Like @buildthomas said, the first answer isn’t always correct, or the best answer.

And sometimes, even what the OP thinks is the solution isn’t always the best solution.

Thanks for like the 5th duplicate reply,

Like previously stated, you shouldn’t press the answer button unless your question this completely answered. (plus, you should always test the code before pressing answered.)

If this feature was implemented, users would have to learn that, which is pretty easy.

Yes, like buildthomas said, the first answer isn’t always correct, which is why you should wait till you have many before you actually test and pick one that helps you.

There is really is no reason to implement this.

This would cause a lot of problems for new forum users: Marking answer as complete even if it’s not a good answer, mistakenly marking answer, etc.

If it’s such an issue for you, just delete your post when someone has answered it.

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This probably shouldn’t be suggested either – the forum is a public resource, hiding an answer seems to go against that goal.


Lol, ok, so first everyone is like “oh what if its not the best answer or it wasnt answered yet” but when i say it its “just delete your post if its such an issue”

what if other people need the answer?

Disagree. Not every question has just one answer. Maybe the OP got what they wanted and marked it as solution, but someone wanted to re-ask something or ask how to do something similar.

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I mean, you didn’t seem to care.

They wouldn’t. I don’t support it either, but it’s better than forcing people to lock their posts.

I never really minded this, though I can see how others could be annoyed by this