Automatically lock topics that have been answered

Thanks for like the 5th duplicate reply,

Like previously stated, you shouldn’t press the answer button unless your question this completely answered. (plus, you should always test the code before pressing answered.)

If this feature was implemented, users would have to learn that, which is pretty easy.

Yes, like buildthomas said, the first answer isn’t always correct, which is why you should wait till you have many before you actually test and pick one that helps you.

There is really is no reason to implement this.

This would cause a lot of problems for new forum users: Marking answer as complete even if it’s not a good answer, mistakenly marking answer, etc.

If it’s such an issue for you, just delete your post when someone has answered it.

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This probably shouldn’t be suggested either – the forum is a public resource, hiding an answer seems to go against that goal.


Lol, ok, so first everyone is like “oh what if its not the best answer or it wasnt answered yet” but when i say it its “just delete your post if its such an issue”

what if other people need the answer?

Disagree. Not every question has just one answer. Maybe the OP got what they wanted and marked it as solution, but someone wanted to re-ask something or ask how to do something similar.

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I mean, you didn’t seem to care.

They wouldn’t. I don’t support it either, but it’s better than forcing people to lock their posts.

I never really minded this, though I can see how others could be annoyed by this