I completely support these suggestions, having a way to “lock” the servers that are outdated would be very useful while new players join updated servers and old servers have a time frame where players can prepare for the shutdown
I completely agree with this, “Restart servers for updates” and “Shutdown Servers” should be both available to the developer.
There are some situations where shutdown servers can be extremely useful, with the example you provided being something that is likely to happen and can be dealt with easily with the “shutdown servers” method.
If ROBLOX is to remove the shutdown servers button, I can guarantee you right now a million scripts will pop up that allow remote server shutdown or 3rd party ways of closing all servers. This is clearly a feature that people like and use.
As other people have said, there’s no reason to remove ‘Shutdown all Servers’, it’s extremely useful. I also think when changes like this are made I’d like to see an execution order/diagram with some hooks so we can detect this process on the server.
It’s like you guys get a brilliant idea. But do half the work.
Deprecating things left and right isn’t a solution, if a lot of games rely on having this system in place for their workflow. Why remove it?
Is there an option to only mark the outdated servers as locked, without shutting them down? Wouldn’t want a player loosing their progress in the middle of a game.
A much needed change. Now I don’t need to make a custom teleport script to handle updates! Glad a smooth and by the looks of it, seamless experience for updates has ben added.
Would be awesome to see some API with this. I send a timed global message across all active servers when I need to force a shutdown. This gives players a chance to save their things and wrap up before the server automatically closes itself by kicking everyone after the timer expires, so having a built-in API for this new feature that I could call to migrate that particular server would be super useful.
Dear roblox staff this new feature “Restart all servers for new update” doesn’t even work for me.
Heres what i did:
- updated my script to print hello world (published to roblox with roblox studio)
- press “restart all servers for new update” and then “confirm”
- waited 17 minutes in outdated server
and literally nothing happend after 17 minutes the server did not restart at all!
placeid for roblox staff: 5378954857
ahh understandable I will try setting my experience to public and try doing restart servers again
update: still doesn’t work even after setting my experience to public and re-pressing restart all servers button
The new studio GUI looks nice!
Can we send them custom launch data?!!
Have you updated your experience (published a new version) before pressing the button? If the servers are still on the latest version, they won’t update
Yes I did that already before pressing restart button
Only outdated servers will be migrated, if nothing happens then you’re on the latest version of the experience already.
Another way to test it out is while in game, publish a update in studio and try to Migrate to Latest Update. That should migrate you to a new server
I am literally in-game and nothing happend for 20 minutes now (and yes im on outdated version of the server)

I wonder why it doesnt count as “published version” I literally pressed “publish to roblox” in studio
So my biggest fear with this kind of system which is why I always Shutdown The Servers (unless is not a big change), is in case someone joins a new server while the others are running on the old version. For example, they buy something in the game that is new and for some reason they decide to switch around servers fast and end up in an old version where the new item they unlocked doesn’t exist and so they lose it.
I tend to remove and change stuff often in the game and I have made it to not keep items that are invalid or do not exist anymore.
Also which triggers first, BindToClose or PlayerRemoving? Some devs tend to save data on BindToClose when PlayerRemoving triggers once the server is about to be shutdown like BindToClose, so I would like to know. What I do is wait the 10 seconds to give time for PlayerRemoving to finish and teleport players to new servers.
Second, can we get a way to know via BindToClose that the game has been manually shutdown? Else, does PlayerRemoving trigger first than BindToClose when the last player of a server leaves?
This is unclear in the documentation and I would like to know the order so I can act respectively. Ideally I would love BindToClose to trigger first and then all PlayerRemoving so I can toggle PvP off.
The new feature is pretty awesome! We finally don’t have to design our own complex system specifically to teleport the players for update.
A thing I’d like to ask, is it possible to have a few new Roblox RBXScriptSignal
events that fires specifically when the players are about to be teleported during updates
fires when the players are being reconnected and teleported upon updates.
would be useful for notifying players that they are about to be teleported, similar to the soft-shutdown feature present in Pet Simulator 99 (the UI of plugging servers). You could maybe do other things related to that.
Hopefully, this gets implemented
Thank you for addressing one of the oldest pain points on the platform! Emergency shutdowns to apply small fixes are often demotivating to players. “Why bother coming back if my progress keeps getting interrupted?” Now it’s a seamless transition.
Could you use bindtoclose to end all of these combats or otherwise waive the the penalties that you are imposing on the players?
What about building games? How long will the teleport take and is this adjustable?
In my game it can take a while to save the creations due to the possibility of reaching the max savedata limit and performance limitations.
Wouldn’t it cause the some players to load older versions of their save file when they rejoin too fast?
Is there something in place to prevent this from happening?