AutomaticCanvasSize not working?

Hey guys! I’m in the process of creating a fancy new UI, and I decided to use the UIListLayout inside of a scrolling frame. The frame scrolls left-right. After creating this, I figured if I just set the scrollingframe’s “AutomaticCanvasSize” option to “X”, that it would automatically set the canvas size.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to be the case. It doesn’t effect the canvas size at all, actually.

Did I do something wrong, or do I just need to code the canvas size in?


I have actually had this problem before, too. I ended up having to code the scaling from scratch. Upon further research, I found that there is no documentation on the property of ScrollingFrame.

It doesn’t say deprecated or anything, so I am unsure of why it even exists, considering it’s apparent non-functionality.

I found this: AutomaticCanvasSize Public Module. Personally have not used it, but it’s worth looking at, I’d say.

Good luck!

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Yeah, I looked that up too. Very strange to me. Thank you!

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