AZERTY keyboard character movement

Possibly related: how do I get the character that corresponds to a certain KeyCode? Using the AZERTY keyboard as an example, the “M” key in QWERTY maps to the “;” key in AZERTY. Since my tutorial says something like “Press M to open the menu,” I would have to replace my text in-game to make sense for AZERTY users.

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We don’t have an API for this currently, but I want to ship one.

Update (January 2024)

There is a UserInputService:GetStringForKeyCode() API for this.


Algeria uses AZERTY aswell (I’m an AZERTY keyboard user suffering)

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Q switches to A
W switches to Z
So If u used to ragdoll with Q you would have to ragdoll with A,
There are other buttons that switch like the M and the ,
Its overly painful when games don’t support AZERTY keyboards because here where I live (Algeria) we only have AZERTY.

Replying to the claim stating that this is an issue on his laptop,
As an AZERTY keyboard user (due to the lack of QWERTY keyboards where I live) I’ve started experiencing this issue a few months ago on EVERY PC I used, that’s 5 PCs that had an AZERTY keyboard and I had to move with the wacky setup, I’ve tried reinstalling roblox, changing the language to French or English, I messed around with a few different ways but I never got it working.
So would you please look into this problem, it’s only appeared recently and I’m SUFFERING.

Edit: This problem is ONLY in roblox, all other apps work fine.


France uses AZERTY keyboards, let’s also not forget all the countries it colonized back then.

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Like I posted above, there is an API for getting the correct label for the key. I believe the problem is that developers of games are hardcoding the label to Q instead of using the API. If that’s the case, I don’t think there’s anything that can be done about this on our end.

It’s possible the API is returning the wrong values on your keyboard though. If you open Studio and run =game.UserInputService:GetStringForKeyCode(Enum.KeyCode.Q) in the command bar, it should print A for you.