Bad FPS on my game

It’s not my computer because when I play jailbreak, it’s nice and smooth.

Do you have a virus in any of your plugins or models?

No I don’t use free models, and I rarely install plugins but when I do it has like 90% likes…

Do you have the game link, I will see if it is laggy on my computer if you want.

Here you go: (FIXED) Tapping Legends! - Roblox

Scripts cause A LOT of memory and lag into games, but parts, on the other hand, can cause lag if they are meshes and used every single stud.

3,000 scripts?!?!? That is way too many for a single simulator game especially all the modules and the number of lines in each of them.

There was a post and I discussed with IGottic about what causes lag and bad FPS on Roblox games, I’ll share the post here: POST

If I had this many scripts in my game I would nuke it.
How in the world did you end up with that many?

Every script is an active coroutine thread on Roblox. Collectively, 150 is enough to end any man’s career.

I would seriously evaluate how and why those scripts are there, and get creative about reducing them. They are your source of lag.

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No, he said 150 scripts and 3,000 parts, which is still too much for scripts.


Any while loops constantly looping throughout your game is probably the reason.

If that’s the case, instead of using while loops, try using GetPropertyChangedSignal.


Sometimes this may be caused by big models or a lot of particles like smoke, beams and other stuff

Also too many NPCs can cause this.
I made some research,so I don’t reccomend you to try anti-lag scripts because they do not work and they can’t stop process to stop lagging.

You may also be using some high graphic standards(like the things that you see in showcases and ultra realistic games).If your game don’t have to be super realistic try to use voxel lighting instead of ShadowMap,because this technology manage the shadow of every single part in the game and this may cause lag.

If you are sure that you don’t have any viruses try to check this things I mentioned here!

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Quite disappointed that nobody here yet has told you to use the microprofiler. Use it while you’re ingame and you will see which operation is increasing your frametimes. (CTRL+F6 and CTRL+P)

you have a decent amount of parts, if you use unions or meshes frequently throughout the game, try lessening it

Maybe this articles from the developer hub can be useful!

This is a lot of lag,I tested my game now and I reach this amount of memory usage only when I’m close to areas with a lot of smoke and other things that may cause lag

Press CTRL+P to make it show the labels

@iGottic this is a false statement having 150 scripts may not necessarily cause lag and a 3000 part count is not that high either.

You’re doing too many expensive calls to FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList

Can you show the pieces of code calling this function - you might be constructing too large of a whitelist, constructing it badly, or running it too many times in a single frame.

It looks like you’re calling it in the RenderStepped handler, so either through BindToRenderStep or RenderStepped event, so include any code that hooks into those if you’re unsure.

Note the long orange bar with the name of the function.

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Using RenderStepped incorrectly will cause your fps to be choppy since all that code is being ran before every frame is rendered. It should only be used when working with code on the camera or character

Just remember to change the name of your game as there is a quite popular simulator with the same name.