I have just the thing my friend
I use C++ daily (almost daily, been trying out c# with monogame), and I’m pretty comfortable with it (except for writing header files every time), but idk man, the syntax for rust is just… Strange…
I guess it’s just preference then, I see rust as easier then C++.
Yeah, I can understand that, Since rust is a more higher-level programming language compared to C++/C where you have to focus on memory management and write custom libraries (C++ has more 3rd party libraries though, so it’s mostly for C)
I also tried assembly once as well, since it was more or less required for me to have knowledge in it for the stuff I do
I finally made “Hello!” in bad lang:
>>>>>>>>>>>>., Prints "H"
>>>>>>>>>>>., Prints "e"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.., Prints "l"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>., Prints "o"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Prints "!"
This is an amazing resource, it will change my life forever. My productivity has now been decreased to 0.01% and I’m loving it. Thank you again for creating an amazing and powerful resource like this.
there should be a function to call functions like getfenv or index game etc
i don’t think roblox is gonna be too happy about the
i dunno if this is allowed due to the last 4 letters but roblox moderation is horrible anyway, i’d change this to a more “fun” term haha
what is that more “fun” term (I do agree that they won’t be happy as it’s a swear word, but lolmansReturn started it)
I know what you guys are referring to, but if some random kid decides to get mad at you and flags that, your devforum access is pretty much revoked permanently ジ
ermmm BrainMessEstoeric or something
You’d actually know what happens if you’ve been on here long enough.
Just reread Devforum Rules and saw global rule 6, im an idiot lol
Profanity is allowed as long as it’s not derogatory matter or directed, I can say SHIT but I can’t tell somebody they’re SHIT. Despite that it’s heavily discouraged to misuse it outside private categories.
By the way, doesn’t that only apply to private categories like development discussion and stuff? Roblox’s rules dont make sense to me right now/literally contradict themselves, and im not awake enough to try to understand this enough
Also what counts as a private category, because I thought it was the one with a lock beside the category name, but people seem to swear everywhere like here and in scripting support
That counts as private, with a lock on it.
Scripting Support doesn’t have the lock, but people swear on it all the time even though a rule prohibits that, so i was having trouble understanding it fully, mb. How come people swear in public categories anyway?
Devforum mostly has young adults and teenagers (no more than 30 years old) so it’s pretty common, though if you overuse profanity like I said, directed or too many uses, you’ll get a feedback warning, also we’re getting off-track, might wanna use #forum-help:forum-questions
Actually youfrogto an l, so you actually printed “Helo!”
No the ..
prints it doubled so it prints “Hello”