Ball controller works in roblox studio but not in the game

I’ve been trying to figure out why a ball rolling script I used for a platformer game is only working in Roblox Studio now, and not in-game.

Here’s the link to the script in question: Orb Character (Outdated) - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

I realized that the script’s outdated, but I posted this only because it’s working in studio. I made this game for nothing serious or big, but I liked it and want to make it functional again.

Here’s what happens in studio, which is supposed to happen in the game:

The ball moves with WASD, like it should. Then when I try that in-game (below), it just doesn’t respond:

This is what the script in question looks like:

And finally this is where it’s placed in the hierarchy:

Hierarchy Placement

I tried saving and publishing it in multiple ways and nothing appears to change. While testing it in studio works, it runs into the same issue when I do the ‘local server’ test with multiple players. It may have to do with some client-server issue. The output doesn’t show any errors with key inputs, so it might have to do with the velocity of the player itself not registering.

I haven’t used studio in a while, so I’m not sure what update may have caused this issue. I’m not an expert at all with this stuff so anything helps. If anyone needs any more info, links, or screenshots/videos of stuff let me know!

Hi! Do you mind pulling up the developer console and taking a screenshot? There could very well be an error that the console points out!

Of course:


The failed to load sound error is definitely due to the roblox audio-privating thing from a few years back. But the “infinite yield possible” on the torso object looks interesting.

Server-sided doesn’t look like there’s any related problems, just a random Click-Detector asset that’s probably outdated: