Ban Appeal Center

Hey, I’m Blu. I’ve been searching for a way to make a ban appeal system game for my bakery. I looked all over YouTube and the DevForum, but I haven’t found any help. Does anyone know any articles, videos, or resources that may help me? Thanks, Blu.

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Hey blu! There is a couple of ways you can do this. You could make a system that allows you to type text such as (Why you were banned) (Appeal/Body) and simple stuff you’d expect to see on a form and then have a submit button and when you click on it your appeal is sent to the “administration”

Now there are 2 ways you could go about reading/determining if that player should be unbanned in the actual appeals. You could:

-Make a discord webhook which isn’t all too hard and have it sent to a sort of ban appeals channel where you can see all the data. Note: If desired you could choose to post the data elsewhere but for this we’ll use a Discord.

Pros of this:
You don’t have to be in the game to see the ban appeal
Cons: You won’t be able to simply unban a player without going into the game itself to do so UNLESS you create a discord-roblox API which goes outside of the bounds of ROBLOX lua

The other method is to create a admin board that allows you to see the data sent for each player that has appealed. In this scenario you can have a in game ban system running off datastores and the ability to unban them freely inside your game. But you’d have to join the game to actually unban them!

Feel free to ask for any help regarding scripting it if you have any questions.

Edit: Pretty sure there are stuff like discord-roblox APIs already out there to the public


Your question is way too broad. Explain what exactly you’re trying to accomplish. A “ban appeal system” is not specific enough and that can mean many things. Is this just supposed to contact an external web service with a message, or are you supposed to be able to review things in game, or what?

What you’re asking for is a relatively niche case which is why you can’t find tutorials. There aren’t going to be tutorials for everything you want to do. It is your job to break the question down into certain necessities (e.g. Gui elements, finding out how to perform HTTP requests, so on) and then doing research. Attempt to build a system first, ask questions on your attempted implementation afterward.


Oh, sorry. I’ll specify a bit more. I want a game that will open a GUI where they can enter their roblox name and why they should be unbanned. I want their name and reason to then be sent somewhere, either to a discord channel that only HRs can see, or a Trello board where HRs can see. Admins will then manually unban them from the game.

Thanks! I’ll try it out. I’ll mark this as the solution if no one else responds.

I don’t know any resources on exactly constructing a ban appeal system but I can give you a rough idea of what I would do.

First, what method are you gonna use? Are you planning to use DataStores, Trello, Discord, etc…?

Ban appeal center GUI

I’m not sure if there are any resources that will teach you how to create a ban appeal center. Maybe look into tutorials on creating application places. I would structure it using various template frames and a table holding what questions should be asked and what template frames to use.

Roblox DataStores


  • You won’t need moderators to use a separate website to appeal bans
  • Ability to add a button that automatically unbans the user without the moderator manually going into the game to ban
  • Not having to rely on 3rd party websites


  • More “complicated” if you choose the hub system
  • Possibly running into DataStore limits?

If you’re taking the DataStore approach then look into this and DataStores. Create a hub world with a GUI that will ask you what place you wanna join. The actual bakery or ban appeal center. Another approach could be using a GUI when you join the bakery place asking if you wanna go to the ban appeal place or not. If a player is banned then it will kick the player out if they don’t wanna go to the ban appeal place. Note: This could be exploited as you are not immediately kicked out when you join the game.
If the user is a moderator, you just simply add a 3rd option asking them if they wanna review ban appeals.
When the user submits an application, you can store what they input it in along with their ban information and user information in a DataStore.
Note: The pro of having HRs not having to manually unban is applicable if your place is in the same world as the bakery if you create an entirely separate game then the pro won’t apply.



  • You could theoretically do an automatic unban system with this too.
  • From experience, I found Trello as a good logging system


  • There might be a problem with HTTPService limits

There are some Roblox-Trello APIs that you can choose from. Another option is to use HTTPService to communicate with Trello using it’s API. Now I just saw your comment talking about how you want HRs for final approval so you could have 1 list containing “Ban appeals” and a second list for HRs to approve ban appeals. When a user submits their application, send a request to Trello to create a card containing information about the appeal and etc…
To prevent users from applying multiple times, you could use a DataStore that contains when the user last applied.

Personally, I think Trello or Discord is gonna be your best bet but you might wanna make a Discord bot if you want HRs to approve unban application


Wow thanks! This helped a lot. I think this solves my problem. Thanks!

Might be worth noting that trello is not a database/is not meant for logging. You might as well use an actual database like dynamodb, mongodb, etc. Just a tip.


Oh ok, thanks for the tip.