Banned for "Misusing Roblox Systems" from uploading multiple images?

I’ve been uploading images mostly based on text and then got an error in studio for “Failed to create image”. I thought I got just another warning or something, and then I went on Roblox and got hit with a surprise ban message:

I used the image appeals thing for a bit and it worked for one of the images, but not for the other. I ran out of appeals, so I have no idea what to do from this point. The ban message is too vague so I couldn’t figure it out.

Anyone know how I can not only appeal the second image through other means, but also get the ban off whatever records they have?

The image in question (just a snippet of the Terms of Use.)

Do you have more than one account and you’re trying to use the Images on different accounts?

No. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

You could add your post to this bug report:

Well, it might be because of the name of the image, or because of the Images being inappropriate, I’m honestly not sure. The ‘Misusing Roblox Systems’ ban is still a mystery.

It has been going around for a while and not only are people getting temporary bans, they’re also getting a permanent termination for the same reason.

Just be careful when using Roblox systems. You may get your account terminated for that mysterious reason…

I had that before by making an image that is just a white gradient fading into transparency, you can go to Roblox Appeal Page and if it’s actually a baseless auto-ban then you’ll be let off the hook, happened thrice to me in a week.

Yeah, I don’t get why it has to be a vague reason. Why can’t I have the specific reason as to why I’ve been banned?

Did that, wasn’t helpful. I submitted two appeals through there and neither were accepted.

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That’s odd, from my experience it’s always worked fine when things were outside of reason.
Although I do agree that they should be less vague, to this day I don’t know the reason what triggered the auto-ban on my cases lol

Because they think that their badass bots never make a mistake.

Some random Builder on the DevForum got terminated for the same reason, and the offensive item was a Model he made.

All he did was saying that he got falsely terminated, and that his model is appropriate and doesn’t violate the ToS, and he asked them to review the model.

They then had reviewed the Model. After that, they reopened his account after admitting their stupid unreasonable mistake.

I believe this termination is often a false one. If you got terminated for that reason, tell them it’s a false termination and you didn’t violate the ToS, and they’ll most likely get your account back.