BaseParts are scaled in the opposite direction when resized with the scaling tool

It’s fixed!

If it’s not too invasive, do you know how this issue occurred? My other friend in Studio didn’t seem to be exhibiting this behaviour, so I wasn’t sure if it was specific to me or something, or certain developers in general.

can you please link the plugin you’re using that displays the parts face names please?


Studio Tweaks! Here it is:


Everything should be back to normal, I turned off the changes in-experience and in Studio.

The change is changing the collision group filtering of Studio raycasts to a different group than Default enabling filtering of what can be selected in Studio. If this breaks Team Create with Hats I need to get them to adjust how they filter stuff before I turn it on.

Yes, I can report that having all my actually used plugins on, don’t seem to induce the issue. Even the one with the selection face markers!

You’re a life saver!

Wait are you saying that we will no longer be able to select parts which are not part of the default collision group?

The opposite actually!

Currently if your part has a collision group which does not collide with default you’re also unable to select it which is almost always undesirable.

With the change you’ll be able to select those parts, and there will be a different collision group called StudioSelectable used to configure which parts you want to be selectable.


That’s odd, because currently I am able to select non-default parts (that cannot collide with default), and have been for awhile. Historically, this ability keeps getting turned on and off and its frankly quite annoying when it is turned off.

You can select non-Default parts, but not parts in a group which does not collide with default.

  • Create a part.

  • Create a Collision Group “Test”

  • Set “Test” to not collide with Default

  • Assign Test to the part

  • Try to select the part → :boom:

This is a pain point for people trying to create physical mechanisms where some of the parts only collide with specific sub-parts of the mechanism and not with default (among other things).

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My mistake, I forgot about some changes to my collision groups. Ignore what I previously said. I can confirm that I cannot select parts that don’t collide with default.

I do look forward to you adding this new selection collision group! It will be super useful to toggle what can be selected in the workspace at specific times, which will reduce misselection of objects unintended to be touched, such as terrain.

When will this change be live?

Well, I indented for it to be live one hour ago! Given the issues to resolve probably a couple of weeks now.

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Was there an announce on this? Or will there be a grace period before rollout? Lots of plugins use a collision group that doesn’t collide with default and I’m out of country for a week more so I cannot fix this right now.

I’m going to add an analytic should be able to identify what plugins would be impacted. I won’t turn this on unless I’ve gotten the affected plugins with large install base updated.

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