Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 | Addpoint Commands

Hey! I’ve been trying to find tutorials on how to make “add” command for basic admin that works like the add command on adonis admin. Can anyone help? If possible, it could be like :addpoint username and then their leaderboard value will be increased by one.


You can message the creator of the admin for questions like these, if I’m not mistaken he still replies.

Is there a reason the command must work with the admin?

From my understanding of your problem, a script that is not linked to the admin could do this.
You can find these everywhere on the devforum.

Could you elaborate? I have no idea what you mean.

But if it’s what I think it is:

-- username is the username, which i dont know how to get because i dont use basic admin
local plr = game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(username)

if plr then
	local stat = plr.leaderstats:FindFirstChild(statname)
	if stat then
		stat.Value += statAmount
	-- code to inform the admin that the specified player doesn't exist

? like this ? Admin commands for YOUR roblox game!