Baum´s Admin, a new Admin(Panel)!

What is Baum´s Admin?

This will not be updated anymore

Its an Admin Panel(Im to dumb to make Chat Commands)

How to install


Credits: ForeverHD(for Topbar+ v2)

All Panel Commands
  • Ban From Server - Ban the target player from server
  • Ban - Ban the target player
  • Un Ban - Un ban the target player
  • Kick - Kick the target player
  • Shotdown - Shotdown current server
Showcase(Version 1)

Version 1
  • Un Ban bug fix
Version 1b
  • Added Shotdown

Bad resource as there’s no documentation, no pictures/showcases, and nothing explaining why we should use this.

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Ok i will add Pictures and more… better?

Wait what here is the How To Install…

Looks cool and all, buy why use Baum’s Admin over all the other admin alternatives?

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Time to give quite a big amount of criticism.

First things first, why should any of the Roblox community use this over more preferable, feature expansive, and cleaner administration systems such as Basic Admin or Commander 4.

Second off, the features are extremely limited. All you can do is Kick, Ban, Server Ban, and Unban players. Compare this to administration clients with multiple more features than just these 4.

You should most likely work on adding more features, and increasing the quality of the User Interface.

Thanks in advance, ghidras.

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It will not be Updated anymore

New Baums Admin :Baums Admin v.2 - Chat Commands!