I have encountered a bug that I either am not searching the right keywords since I don’t know what exactly to call it or someone hasn’t really talked about the same bug. Eitherway, I am experiencing a bug that I’ve tried numerous ways to solve even going back to older devforum posts I made to help with making the mesh function and stuff like that and using that code but it still didn’t work. If anyone can point me towards the right direction, that will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Snippet of positioning code:
local throwerTip = Tool.Handle.OpenBarrel.Tip
local streamFolder = game.Workspace.StreamData:WaitForChild("clientStream")
local properties1 = {
["WorldPosition"] = ((streamFolder.Segment1.WorldPosition + streamFolder.Segment3.WorldPosition) / 2) + Vector3.new(math.random(-3,3), math.random(-3,3), math.random(-3,3))
local properties2 = {
["WorldPosition"] = ((streamFolder.Startpoint.WorldPosition + streamFolder.Segment2.WorldPosition) / 2) + Vector3.new(math.random(-3,3), math.random(-3,3), math.random(-3,3))
local properties3 = {
["WorldPosition"] = ((streamFolder.Segment2.WorldPosition + streamFolder.Endpoint.WorldPosition) / 2) + Vector3.new(math.random(-3,3), math.random(-3,3), math.random(-3,3))
local tween1 = tweenService:Create(streamFolder.Segment2, tweenInfo, properties1)
local tween2 = tweenService:Create(streamFolder.Segment1, tweenInfo, properties2)
local tween3 = tweenService:Create(streamFolder.Segment3, tweenInfo, properties3)
hitPart.Position = MousePos
streamEffect.Startpoint.WorldPosition = throwerTip.Position
streamEffect.Endpoint.WorldPosition = hitPart.Position
game.Workspace.StreamData:WaitForChild("Stream").Transparency = 1
if ((hitPart.Position - MousePos).magnitude) > 100 then
hitPart.Position = MousePos
Image Example: