Beginner Roblox Lua Tutorial

Hey everyone this is my first post since joining the community,

I recently began working on a beginners Roblox Lua tutorial place. It is completely GUI and only has one lesson and a challenge so far on “Properties”

Place Here

Main Menu. I plan on making it more…“friendly”:

Here is the lesson section:

Here is the challenge section:

There is no indication of completion for the first challenge, but I will be adding that soon.

All of the scroll frames have a custom smooth scrolling script in them and the mouse has a special mouse trail. Enough about the aesthetics though. I want to know what you all think about all of this. It took about three weeks(on and off) to complete this mission, and it was so complicated to figure out how to get the coding part working. I had to connect to the server from the client using a remote event, and then I used a module script to connect to the ServerScriptService because it seems like that is the only place that allows “loadstring()”.

I also have yet to “sanitize” the text bar, so you can enter anything and manipulate the game and remove things. That will be the next thing I do.

One last thing, some of you read the lesson and let me know if I missed anything important.

Thanks in advance!


It looks cool, but you should look into the formatting of code, maybe you can do something more fancy with that. Especially when you have multiple lines it tends to get hard to read due to indentation mismatches.

Hi! Welcome to the dev forums.

The UI looks very inviting and has a unified theme – great job on that. I especially thought it was neat how you took advantage of ROBLOX’s dialogue assets for the code blocks. The only room I immediately see for improvement regarding that is modifying the “X” button to be less of a tack on and something that has some work put into it. On the topic of functionality, one of the neat things you’ve included in there is the interactivity – it’s not just a lecture people read, which will definitely be more productive than reading through tutorials and not putting that knowledge to use. Though, you might consider expanding that little text box into a full-window editor that looks like the Studio script editor to get people familiar with it before they even start scripting in Studio.

It looks like only the first of the four tutorials are done (I couldn’t open any of the other three), so I wish you good luck on the rest of those, and am looking forward to see more than four lessons so I can send people to this and recommend it as a learning resource!

Some issues I noticed:

I don’t seem to be able to click+drag the scrollbars – only use the mosuewheel to move up/down them

The highlight moving between Lesson/Challenge when the active tab changes moves a bit too slow

At first I tried tutorial.frame.CoolFrame.Visible = false because I read the prompt wrong – it’d be neat to have an image of the explorer or an interactable one that shows the space I’m working with. There was also no “Nope, sorry! Try again!” warning when that above code didn’t work – some feedback when the code doesn’t do what it’s supposed to would be nice.

Some things regarding the thread itself:

A better place for this might be “Cool Creations” or “Tutorials”

Also, the purpose of tags is to group similar threads, so the “development” tag is redundant – it’s already in Development Discussion (and still would be if it were under Cool Creations or Tutorials since they’re subsets of Development Discussion), so we can kind of figure that the thread has something to do with development. You can remove tags by clicking the pencil icon next to the forum name. The scripting tag is fine though – it can help differentiate between building/graphic design/etc threads that you might also find under Development Discussion.

Also, here are some threads that may be of interest to you:

The only room I immediately see for improvement regarding that is modifying the “X” button

Yeah the ‘X’ was hastily made and I never looked back lol. I will be changing it soon

consider expanding that little text box into a full-window editor that looks like the Studio script editor

I thought about adding something like a seperate area called “The Lab” or something like that with a full sized editor. I don’t know if I could do anything cool with it though since at the moment I don’t know how to include something like text highlighting or copying and pasting. I did create a copying and pasting module-esque thing but it was very primitive and basic. But I’ll see what I can do

It looks like only the first of the four tutorials are done

Yeah I’ve only just completed the first lesson. It took a while and I went through several different UI changes

I don’t seem to be able to click+drag the scrollbars – only use the mosuewheel to move up/down them

I never thought that would be an issue, but I’ll try to change it. I have scrolling disabled so my smooth scrolling would work.

Anyways thanks for the feedback! I’ll continue working and taking tips and comments!

I’ll see what I can do about that because you’re right. If I can’t figure it out I will just resort to taking screenshots and then uploading directly to Roblox.

I was afraid you made it where I had to input a certain way to do it. Was pleased to find this worked:

while true do end ?

I haven’t sanitized the text box yet so you could do that and the game would crash.