Belmond Resort & Spa - Updates 11/9/2019

Hello Belmond,

In this post I will be speaking to you about new rules, information, and events that have either just happened or will be happening in the future.

What is this?
For those of you who don’t know or didn’t read the last daily update, this is a daily update for the entire Belmond community. I will try to create and share one of these with the public daily, however if nothing eventful happened or I do not have the time, there may be a day or two where this does not get posted. Outlined within each of these posts will be important Belmond information and plans. We recommend reading through to the end every time, it helps you understand what is happening and any new rules, if any, that are being presented.

Daily updates are split into topics as such:

TOPIC 1: Staff Guide Updated
We updated our staff guide today, the new updates are:

Staff members cannot post offensive, rude, or insensitive material. If they do so (only extremely insensitive), they should be demoted one rank down. If they do so more than once, they should be fired.

Staff members, when scolding another staff member for doing something wrong or confronting someone else about an issue related to Belmond, must follow the same rules as if they were chatting in a ROBLOX game; they must use grammar, be respectful, not create drama, and be kind. They cannot confront people within a public chat (such as #communal-channel), only in DMs, in the report system, or in a meeting area within a ROBLOX Belmond game. They must follow this rule in DMs as well.

The staff guide is not only relevant to chats within Belmond between staff, but also chats ABOUT Belmond between staff. That means that the rules in the staff guide are still relevant if a staff member starts talking about Belmond to someone else in another server or group, and if they are caught doing something wrong, can be punished equally. It does not matter where they discuss things, but if they are discussing Belmond ANYWHERE , they must follow the staff guide.

Our alliances must follow the rules presented in the alliance guide: Belmond Resort & Spa - Alliance Handbook
Staff members at Belmond are required to report alliances if they are not following these rules. People who know that an alliance is breaking rules and do not report it to a corporate rank should be demoted a single rank down.

For those of you who do not have the time to read through this or don’t understand what it means, here’s quick look being the meaning:

  • Staff members cannot post inappropriate material and if they do so should be demoted, and if continued, fired.

  • Staff members must be kind if they are scolding another staff member. When they do this, they must use grammar, be kind, and they CANNOT scold them in a public chat… only in private

  • Staff members can’t insult Belmond or any of its members anywhere, meaning that they cannot insult Belmond or its members even if it is in a server not owned by me, and if they do this they should be punished.

  • Alliances must follow the handbook and staff should keep an eye out for alliances breaking the rules.

These changes are not very complicated, and are very important to Belmond!

TOPIC 2: Looking for a President
The president position just opened. Everyone is open to apply!

What is the president position?
The president position manages all staff, and can make rule changes on their own. The president has all permissions to control staff or the discord server in any way, and will work directly with the owner to make good changes to the staff team. They must be VERY VERY active but also very good at being a leader.

What is required to be a president?

  • Extreme activity
  • Leadership skills
  • Experience
  • Intellegence
  • Long attention span
  • You must be assertive, not aggressive or passive

How can I apply?
Just DM:


on discord…
and you will follow up from there!


TOPIC 3: Version 3 Development Updates
I have started with many different UI, here is a little taste of the style used:

I plan to make this version’s UI more accessible, along with everything else!
For those who don’t know what UI are: Intro to GUIs

Try to guess where all of these are located, and put your guesses in communal chat! (HINT: The ----- is ringing!)

More info on version 3 development is located here: Belmond Resort & Spa's Updates - Coming Soon

That is all of the updates I have for now, if you find any issues or need help, contact any SHR you know, or use the group wall!

ROBLOX: jvstaldjni
Belmond Resort & Spa

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